03: Meetings and Understandings

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(Sorry for shortness)

The weekend, thank god. Saturday, which was today, was currently a lazy day. I lay in my bed in my pyjama's watching Netflix. I'd get an occasional text from Matthew, who was currently in the city with Kian and Jc. I was watching a sappy romance movie, I didn't even know what it was called. That just goes to show how much I was paying attention. During the whole movie I couldn't get my mind off of Shawn. According to Grace, he offered to carry me into my house, setting me in my bed. Normally I would be kinda freaked out knowing that a guy was in my room, invading my space, but it's just Shawn. Not like he's never been in my room before. But of course he wouldn't remember...

My phone goes off, but instead of signalling a text, it was a phone call. I look at the caller ID to see it was an unknown number, but I answer it any ways.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

"Hello, is this Cadence Surley?" I hear a man's voice, which seemed familiar.

"Yes this is she, who is this?" I ask confused.

"This is Dr. Kirby from Chicago Hospital, I flew out to Toronto to check on Shawn, as well as you."
Dr. Kirby... this was Shawn's doctor?!

"How did you get my number?" I think out loud.

"Mrs. Mendes gave it to me, anyways I was wondering if you could come to the Toronto Hospital this afternoon?"

Well I don't feel like leaving my bed, "Ya I could swing by, why?"

"Great! I was hoping to talk wit you about Shawn, I'll see you around 1:30?"

"Sure, but talk about what?" I ask, still confused.

"I'll explain later on, see you then." Then he hung up. I hold my phone by my ear for a few seconds longer, still mystified about all of this.

So much for a lazy day... I thought to myself as I get out of bed and get ready for the day.

Unknown POV

"Do you really think I care about that?!" I hiss as Emily stares me down completely annoyed.

"Well if you really did care about my happiness then you'd care about me!" She snaps crossing her arms.

"All I'm saying, prepare for the worst, cause I'll do what ever it takes to complete this task," I smirk evilly, tears swelling in her eyes. It hurt me to see her like this, but it hurt me even more when she broke my heart into two. She growls in anger and dismay before storming off.

Cadence's POV

I sit in the waiting room of the Toronto Hospital, anticipation getting the best of me. What did Shawn's doctor have to say? Did Shawn get his memory back?! I tap my fingers on my lap impatiently. The more I thought about it the more anxious I got.

"Ms.Surley, Dr.Kirby is ready to see you," a nurse says walking into the waiting room. I stand up and follow her as she leads me down the halls until I reach a room that has "Dr.Kirby" written on the door. I open the door to see the familiar face of Dr.Kirby as he looks at sheets of paper.

"Dr.Kirby?" I say quietly to get his attention.

He looks at me and grins, "Ah Cadence, how are you?" He asks, gesturing me to take a seat.

"Okay..." I answer sitting in the chair across from his behind his desk.

"Thats good," he says joyfully, but I saw the sympathy in his eyes, he knew I was bluffing. "So I bet you're wondering why I called you down here."

"You bet right!" I exclaim, "so what's up?"

"Well..." he starts off, "Shawn's mom has been coming once every week to discuss progress with Shawn's memory, she's asked me to start these meetings with you as well." I nod in understanding. He takes a deep breathe, and thats when I notice somethings up. "I know you don't want Shawn to remember you or your past, but you can help him gain his other memories, like who he is."

I think for a bit, "Have you seen any progress in his memory?" I ask.

"Not a lot unfortunetly, but you can help," he says full of hope, "you'd help Shawn out right, even as a friend?"

"I-I" I stutter, not knowing what to say. I notice a tear escaped my eye, "I don't know if I can..."

"It's okay Cadence," he says sympathetically, "either way I'd still enjoy you coming down once a week." He takes out a business card and hands it to me, "Give me a call, I look forward to seeing you next week." I stand up from my seat, wiping away my tears.

"Thank you," I murmur and walk to the door.

"Oh and Cadence," I stop at the door entry, "take care out there." Another tear escapes my eye as I leave, shutting the door behind me. I walk out of the hospital and as I start to head home something across the street catches my eye. A Tim Hortons. I give in and walk across the street to the store. As I take a step into the resturant, warmth fills my cheeks, and memories flood my mind. When my grandpa was in the hospital, Shawn came with me every time I went to visit and we'd stop at this Tim Hortons every time. The day he passed away, he tried his best to make me smile, so when we came here, he ordered a muffin with whipped cream to be funny, making whip cream mustaches. After that It kinda just stuck.

After ordering a hot chocolate and, of course, a chocolate chip muffin with whipped cream, I take a seat at a booth by a window. Watching people come in and leave, I realize how busy it was today. Though in the crowd, one pair of people catches my attention. Shawn and Aaliyah. He must of gotten his licence today.

I look back at my hot chocolate, stirring it with a small coffee straw. Resting my head on my hand I look around the store as Shawn and Aaliyah take a seat at the booth across the room from mine. Aaliyah gives me a little wave, I return the gesture, looking away before Shawn could see me looking in his direction. I take bits and pieces of my muffin and eat them. My phone buzzes and I look at it.

From: M&M (emily)
Heyyyy what's up?

To: M&M (emily)

From: M&M (emily)
Nm, are you home?

To: M&M (emily)
No why?

From:M&M (emily)
Oh I just wanted to hang, I'll see you at your house later?

To:M&M (emily)
Ok cya then

I turn off my phone and pick up the peel from the muffin. I walk over to the garbage and throw it out. Picking up my hot chocolate I give one last glance towards Shawn and Aaliyah, their smiles warmed my heart. At least he's happy...


When I reach my home I notice the door was unlocked, weird?

I open the door and the house was pitch black, lights turned off and blinds shut. I reach for the light switch and as soon as I turn the lights on, I hear a loud "SURPRISE!"

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