Letter to readers

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Hello! Before you head off to read I would like to forewarn you. I have read the Harry Potter books and seen all the movies. Due to my story and its contact, I would like to make it clear that I will be changing a few things, so it may not correlate to the actual events in the books, but I will stay as close to the book as I can! 

The story takes place in first person, in the point of view of Ruby Foressner, she is 16 years old. This book takes place during year 5, but I want to make everyone a year older, so everyone in year 5 will be 16 instead of 15, due to the content that will be written! Im open to any comments both good and bad:), I hope you all enjoy the book!

I also wanna say I am not a writer! So there will definitely be mistakes in many places and things may not make sense. But I do apologize in advance :)

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