Ch. 6- First Day

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Today was the first day of actual school, and I was so nervous, everyone here already knew what they were doing and I didn't have any clue. I dressed up, wore my uniform and headed to class. But I got lost right away. 

"Where the hell is potions I'm so confused." I say to myself.

"Ruby!! Hey how are you!?" It was Hermione, Ron, and Harry. The golden trio as people liked to call them. 

"Hey guys, its good to see you! I need help though, where on earth are all these classes?" 

"You're lucky we all have the same schedule, cmon you can follow us" Harry said. 

We get to potions, Ron and Harry sit together, Hermione and I sit together as well. I turn around as I hear some laughing coming from the back of the room. It's Malfoy. I get flashbacks of last nights kiss, or kisses I guess. It was surreal.

"Turn to page 236, we will be reading about Liquid Luck, after tomorrow we will be making it. So study up and learn how to make it. It wont be easy. Now silence" Prof. Snape barks.

After potions I head off to Transfiguration with the trio. 

"Good day class. May everyone stay standing. Id like to pair you all up with someone you haven't  worked with yet" Prof. McGonagall says.

I stay standing and as the last of us are being paired I finally hear my name.

"Ms. Foressner, why don't you and Mr Malfoy partner up for this semester."

Oh great. Of course with my luck I get him.

"Ahhh Ruby, nice to see you again, fully clothed this time as well" He says jokingly

"Haha, please, you liked what you saw"

"I mean, you are not incorrect" Draco says with a smirk on his face.

For the rest of the class, I sit quite confused on what we're doing, I mean the other students already began learning this 4 years ago, and I just learned I was a witch 4 days ago.

"Ms Foressner and Mr Malfoy, please come see me after class" Professor McGonagall says. I was nervous, for a second I thought we were in trouble.

"I would really like for Draco to tutor you, he's an excellent student and I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you catch up a bit. Would you Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Not a problem, I'd love to Professor." Draco says, he's definitely enjoying this. 

"Thank you, that would be much help" I say back. Well this was going to be interesting, I thought to myself. 

As Draco and I leave the classroom, he says:

"Ill meet you in your dorm tonight, at 8. Oh and make sure you have clothes on." He smirks as he walks away. This kid has some obsession with me and my clothes, guess he really did like what he saw.

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