Ch. 12- Sparks

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I started to get ready for my date wit McLaggen, I had no clue whatsoever where we were going, but I chose a cute outfit anyways. I wore a jean skirt, and sweater and boots, on top of that a coat and a hat. Something cute, yet casual. 

As I made my way to our meeting spot, I opened my door to leave my room and walked down the stair to where Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were all now staring at me.

"Oh look who it is, future Mrs. McLaggen." Draco says tauntingly. All the boys laughed.

"See you boys" I said as waved at the boys smiling. 

I met with McLaggen who looked quite handsome. We took me to an ice cream shop at Hogsmeade. We talked and talked, or should I say, HE talked and talked. He was nice to look at, but damn did he know how to talk and talk. I like McLaggen, and for once, I wasn't thinking about Draco. After Ice cream, we went on a walk back to Hogwarts and chatted on the way there. Cormac was such a gentlemen, and talking to him was so easy. 

When we got to Hogwarts, we stopped at the entrance.

"Thank you Cormac, it was a wonderful night." I said, and then kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight Ruby" 

I headed back to the Slytherin common room, and then to my room. There were still a few people hanging out in the common room, but it was getting quite late. I opened my door and there once again, was my lamp turned on, and Draco sitting on my desk. 

"These are quite beautiful I must say. You're talented" he said, as he flipped through my sketch book.

"Draco how the hell did you get in here again."

"Well, princess, I wanted to ask how your date went." He said, but I heard the sarcasm in his voice.

"It was quite a great evening actually. Now what do you really want Draco" I asked him.

Draco then stood up and walked over to me. He came very close. Then, he ran his fingers through my hair and moved it out of my face. Draco suddenly grabs my my face and kisses my lips. 

"Draco, what are you doing?" I said and pulled away.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked. But I didn't say anything back. Truth was I didn't want hm to stop. I kissed Draco back. He kissed me back even harder, more passionately. It were as if sparks were flying, it was nothing I have ever experienced before.

"Wait Draco, why are you doing this?" I pulled away again. This time I backed away further to try and control the situation. 

"I was doing quite fine before you were here, and then you suddenly come here and its like I need you. A guy talking to you simply pisses me off. It's like you have some mark on me." He explains. I was so confused. Was this what I wanted. Did I want to har Draco tell me that he needs me?

"Draco.." I begin to say but then he walks up to me and pulls me closer to him.

"If you don't want me to kiss you, then simply tell me to go and I will leave" he says.  

And there comes the silence again. I didn't want him to stop. Draco smiled.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He says and kisses me again. This time more passionately than the last time. He takes my jacket off and then places his hands on my lower back. I get butterflies. I could kiss him all day, and never get bored. 

Draco picks me up and I cross legs around him. I run my hands on his arms, I can feel his muscles then put my arms around his neck.  He throws me on my bed and rips my skirt off. 

"Draco.. I" I say, a bit worried. I wasn't ready to go far with a boy who may just see me as a toy. 

"Its ok, Ive seen you like this before." he says

"No I meant..." I have him a look.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to please you, I'll wait a bit before we do it." He says, and the way he said it made me feel safe. 

Draco get on top of me. He looks at me as he takes off my red lace underwear.

 I didn't know what I was doing, but it felt so right. Ive never been touched before, no boy has ever liked me. But something about Draco touching me like this made me feel different. It made me feel like this was right. 

He kissed my lips once more before he went down to my neck and kissed me once more. Then slowly kissed me downward. Then I felt him get there. I felt it as his cold fingers went inside of me, and then his tongue. I put my hand on his head and grabbed his hair. It felt so good. Better than good. I started to moan but Draco brought his hand up and covered my mouth. He looked up at me to see the pleasure in my eyes. 

He finished after a few minutes and came back up. He kissed my neck once more then stood up. My hands were holding on to my sheets. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, princess." He says and then smirks and leaves. I laid in my bed with a bra and no underwear for about an hour before I decided to get up. I have no clue what happened, but I wanted it to happen again.

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