Ch. 21- Scar head and Blonde boy

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I wake up the next morning naked, cuddled into Draco's hands, who is also naked. Last night was a dream. It was everything I imagined my first time to be. I was the first one to wake up. I got up carefully, making sure I don't wake Draco up. I go into Draco large closet, and I grab a sweatshirt of his and out it on, then I grab a pair of his sweatpants and go pick up my dress. I try to head out without Draco hearing me, but it seemed like he was already awake. 

"Nice outfit, Princess." He says. 

"Sorry, I didn't feel like wearing my dress, Ill bring these back after I shower and dress"

"Keep it, looks quite good on you" He says. Draco then stands and walks to his closet. He's completely naked and my eyes don't come off of him. As he comes back out he's wearing sweatpants and starts to laugh.

"Enjoyed the view?" he says

"Just a bit too much."

The next few days Draco and I spent every second together, having fun, and talking. It's crazy to see how alike we both are, broken in our own ways. Hearing how is father treats him makes me too nervous to ever meet him. 

Students began to come bak to Hogwarts after the holidays and I met up with the golden trio. They talked about their Christmas and asked how mine went. 

"Oh uhh, haha I just sat in my room and I drew a lot, read a lot, and yeah." I said in my best liar voice. 

"I heard Malfoy stayed as well, sorry you had to deal with that." Harry said.

"Oh I didn't s-see him a-at all, haha" 

We sat and chatted a bit more before heading to our first class of the second semester. Harry called after me and I turned around. It was just the two if us in the hall. 

"Whats up Harry?" I asked curiously. 

"I was thinking about you a lot over the holidays, and I just wanted to tell you before it eats me alive..." 

"Tell me what?"

"I like you Ruby." He says. 

Oh this cannot be happening. 

"Like, as in..?" I asked, tryin to smile.

"You know, like like you like you."

"Oh, Harry." I say trying my best to not hurt him. Harry was just a friend to me, he barely knows me, and we have a lot in common from the things I've heard of him, but I just can't. there's only one boy I wanna be with. "Harry, thank you, but.."

"Theres someone else?" he interrupts. 

"Not exactly.. I just think I'm not ready for a relationship right now. I'm sorry Harry." I lied again. Truth was I was ready for a relationship, but only one with Draco, that's it. 

"Hey no stress. I understand, I'll wait for you Ruby." He said then walked away smiling. 

This is going to get messy.

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