Ch 23- The Father

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It was a cold mid-January day. I was on my way to the library when I passed a tall man talking to Professor Dumbledore. He was tall, with platinum blonde long hair, he had a cane in his hand that had a snakes head on top. I knew this man. It was Draco father. 

"Ah, Ms Foressner, I was just telling Lucius Malfoy here about our newest student this year. And shall I say another pureblood.." Dumbledore says eyeing Lucius. 

"Ah, pureblood you say? What did you say her last name was again Albus?" Lucius said in a very strange way. 

"Oh it's Foressner, Ruby Foressner sir. I know Draco, we're very good friends, you can say." I said confidently. 

Then suddenly Lucius looks at Albus and I in a way as if he was fearing something. It was very strange. 

"Well I must go now. Talk to you soon Albus." Lucius says and then nods a goodbye to me. 

I am on my way to class when I see Draco and I walk up to him. 

"So I just met your dad.." 

"Ah, already meeting the family I see?" He says and laughs. 

"Whats he doing here?" I asked.

"Some Ministry of Magic business, he's also a member here so maybe something with that, not sure, but I also don't care so beats me." He says. 

I walk away and head to class. Why did Lucius look the way he did when Dumbledore said my name? Strange. 

After dinner that day, I was in my room when there was a knock. I went to open it, expecting Draco, but it was Harry.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I say very confused, but also afraid that Draco would come in at any moment. 

"Well I just wanted to come in and make it clear, that I don't hate you, and you're still my friend.  After you rejected me I know I was acting childish bu barely speaking to you but I just wanted to tell you Im sorry for acting so childish. Im sorry." He says on and on  

"Harry its fine, but you really shouldn't be here right now." I say, starting to get more and more worried. 

Harry then walks to my desk where he sees my sketch book and starts to flip through the pages.

"You are mad talented Ruby, I mea wow-" he says and then suddenly stops. Harry flipped far into my sketch book, that he has flipped to the page of where I drew Draco..

"Oh Harry..." I say but then at the same time Draco walks into my room.

I stand there frozen, I have no clue what to do next. 

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Draco asks. 

"Draco? You're with him?" Harry asks, he clearly looks hurt. He slams the sketch book on the table and leaves. 

"I-" I begin to say and stop myself. 

"What was he doing in your room?" Draco asks, he was angry too.

"I don't know, h-he j-just c-came i-in. " I say trying to hold my tears back. 

Draco slams the door on the wait out, upset that another boy was in my room. Harry, I'm sure hates me. Oh what a mess this is. 

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