Ch. 4- The Sorting

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Hagrid and I got to King Cross station, he hands my my ticket.

"9 and 3/4? Hagrid.. that doesn't exist."

"Hahahaha here da secret. Go ter number 9 and walk straight ter da wall. See yer soon Ruby!"

"Wait Hagrid?! Walk into it-?" But Hagrid was gone. I was confused, and I started to believe this was some joke again. But I went for it. I walked towards Platform 9 and 10, and just ran towards it, as I got closer I closed my eyes but I just kept running. Suddenly I was in what was like another dimension or something.

I was in awe, this place was beautiful, and on the train in big letters it said Hogwarts Express. I walked towards and got in the train after dropping off my luggage. Luckily I was one of the first ones to arrive so I found a place to myself. 

About 10 minutes later a boy with round glasses, a girl with puffy brown hair, and a red-haired boy came to the seats I were sitting in.

"Hello, Im sorry, every spot seems to be filled except this place, you mind if we sit here? The girl asked.

"No not at all" you answer back

"You seem new, but older to be a first year-" said the red haired boy

"Ron! Im sorry he's a bit idiotic!" the girl kicked him

"Haha, no you're right, my name is Ruby, I'm new here, and I will be a fifth year"

"Oh well look at that! My names Hermione Granger, this is Harry Potter, and this here is Ron Weasley, we are fifth years too!" Hermione said excitedly.

For the rest of the ride Hermione, Harry, and Ron were talking about Hogwarts and how amazing it is, but it was only making me more nervous.

"So which house do you think you'll be sorted in? We are all in Gryffindor, Id love to have you join us!" Hermione exclaimed!

"Uh houses? Sorry Im not understanding" I explained how I know absolutely nothing regarding the Wizarding  World. Harry explained all the houses and explained the sorting hat do I was not too freaked out if I saw a hat talking suddenly.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, and Ron showed me the way towards the castle. It was unbelievable, beautiful, and unreal.

As we were walking, I saw the boy again. The platinum blonde haired boy. he was wearing a black suit, and looked even more handsome. 

"Well if it isn't Harry Potter and his posse" he said 

"Malfoy." Harry said back. 

Malfoy. A name your going to remember. 

"Ahh and who's this, a fellow member of the lames of Hogwarts" Malfoy looks at me and stops for a second, almost as if he's admiring my beauty. He must be the school bully, but yet he's still so handsome.

"Im Ruby Foressner.. I'm new here, a fifth year."

You hear a sudden shout from behind you! A short browned haired girl comes running shouting for someone named Draco. I assumed that was Malfoy first name. She jumps to Dracos arms and kisses him. He kisses her back. 

"Ah Pansy, I missed you" Draco says. He looks at me and smirks almost as if he's trying to make me jealous.

"Cmon Ruby, lets get you to the Great Hall" Hermione says and then grabs my hand. Draco still looking at me the whole way. Theres just something about him. 

After getting settled in Professor McGonagall introduces herself and the sorting hat. All the first years get sorted into either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. 

No one is left Dumbledore stands and introduces me the whole school. I was embarrassed that the whole school was going to know who I was, I hate attention.

"Lets welcome Ms Ruby Foressner to Hogwarts" Dumbledore says. He then led me to the sorting hat. Suddenly the hat began to speak aloud.

"Hmm brave, wise, artistic, yet cunning and a misfit. You got in trouble quite a lot in school didn't you. Hm well this is hard, but I have an idea where you might grow. Don't disappoint me. SLYTHERIN."

The school claps and shouts as I head over to the Slytherin table, what am I going to do without Harry and Hermione or Ron!? I sit in the Slytherin table, next to the girl who kissed that Draco boy, Im guessing his girlfriend. She's quite lucky. 

"Hey welcome! Im Pansy, this is Blaise, and this is Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and just fyi, Draco is my boyfriend, but the other boys can't seem to stop drooling over you so have at it." Pansy says

Did she really just tell me to have at it? 

The rest of the dinner I eat and talk with Pansy, she seems so be a good person, besides the have at it comment. But as I eat, I notice Draco looking over at a few times.

After dinner Pansy takes me to the Slytherin common room and then my room. Luckily I seemed to have gotten my own room.

"Wow what a day." I close my door and begin to undress to change and go to bed.

Suddenly, the door opens. Draco walks in and I'm half naked.

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