Ch. 14- No labels

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I jump off the bed onto the floor. Draco also stands up.

"Who tf is it?!" Draco whispers

"Who is it????" I yell out, quite disappointed that whoever this person is just interrupted something very important. 

"Its Pansy! I wanna return your dress I borrowed the other night" Pansy yells through the closed door. 

I shove Draco into my closet and close the door to it. Then,I go to open the door. 

"Girl why do you look so out of breath?" Pansy asks. I laugh.

"Hahahahahhahahha, whaaaaaat are you talking about!!" 

"You're acting weird. I just wanted to return this. Do you want me to put It back in your closet?" Pansy asks and right away I start to freak out.

"NO! I got it! Thanks Pansy! Goodnight!" I say back. She finally leaves and I lock the door. I open my closet door and there's Draco, he's laughing. 

"Whats so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing princess." 

Draco goes out the closet and sits on the bed. 

"Come here, you're gonna finish wha you started" He says. 

The butterflies returned. Draco ordered be to get on my knees and come closer. He then unzipped my jacket and smiled as he saw a matching black lace pushup bra. Then Draco slides his pants off.  

It's huge. 

I begin to freak out a bit. I've never done this before. Draco then tells me to open my mouth and I go. He pushed my head up and down, both fast and slow. And then he finishes. 

I keep thinking to myself, I may have been the bad misfit back at school in London, but this is a side of me I never thought I would become. 

Draco then stands up and dresses up again. Im on my knees, just sitting still. He brings me a towel and I clean myself up.  

"You're surprising me Princess." Draco suddenly says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"I thought you were the innocent sweet little girl."

"Im not little, and not innocent. Maybe I am sexually, but other than that I'm not" I say back.

I notice Draco begins to head to the door.

"Draco what are we?" I suddenly blurt out. 

He stands still. "what do you wanna be?" He asked. 

"Whatever you think we are"

"I like doing stuff with you, I like spending time with you, and I like you Ruby, but I am not a fan of labels." He says. 

"So Pansy? That as labeling, I mean she was your girlfriend and you were her boyfriend"

"And see what it has done to us, we aren't even together anymore." He says. Draco walks over and caresses my cheek. 

"Im not seeing anybody else, and you aren't either. We're a thing, just without the labels." Draco says. Then he leaves my room. 

*GASP* McLaggen!!!!!!!!

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