Ch. 22- Overprotective

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Draco bugs me most of transfiguration, but I wasn't really having it. I like Draco, but seeing how hurt Harry was when I told him I didn't like him made me feel like a shitty person. I just hope he wants to stay friends. 

"What is going on with you Ruby?" Draco asked, clearly annoyed. 

"Nothing Draco, I'm fine."I say back. 

"K, well ms attitude, I'll see you at 8 for tutoring, be prepared." 

"Actually, Draco I think we should skip today. I'm not feeling so good." I say and then stand and leave once class is dismissed. I headed off to my room after school and stayed there most of the day. 

I skipped dinner and laid in my bed staring at the walls. I shouldn't feel this bad. But I was contemplating between why I said no to Harry. Harry is so nice, he's handsome and smart, and I know he would treat me as well. And then there's Draco. Am I keeping hope with him because we had sex? I mean he was my first time but, the way he makes me feel things, its such a feeling I have never felt before. His touch, his kiss, him. Draco and I know almost everything about each other. But he won't even bother wanting to be seen with me. Is that something I want?

At 8 I heard a knocking on my door. I got up, thinking it was going to be Pansy asking for the divination homework, but instead it was Draco. 

"Draco I thought I told you I don't wanna do this tonight." I said, but he walked in anyways. He turns around and sits on my bed. 

"I am not leaving until you tell me what's going on." he demands. I can tell he's being very serious right now. 

"Draco, everything is fine."

"Is it Pottah, did that scarface do something to you? I saw you talking to him this morning."

"Draco..." I begin to say and then stop myself. 

"Tell me now." he orders, and I give in. 

"Harry told me he likes me, but I told him I want to just be friends, that's all" I say, a bit scared. 

Draco doesn't say anything at all though. But his facial expression says it all. His pissed. More than pissed. 

"Draco, I like you." I say. For the first time ever, I've told a boy I lied him. For the first time ever, I confessed to Draco that I like him aloud. 

Draco seems to calm down a bit as he looks at me. He walks up to me a grabs a hold of my neck. I have bit of trouble breathing, but I liked it a bit I have to admit. 

"You like me, Princess?" He says, clearly enjoying this. 

"I do." 

Draco then kiss me hard and lets go of me. He then leaves my room with a smirk on his face. 

Was this Draco way of telling me he likes me too?

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