Ch. 19- What are we?

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I was very confused on what just happened. I've never had some boy ever yell at me like that. I've never seen Draco this angry either. It was almost frightening actually. 

I wasn't able to sleep well last night. Surprisingly, Draco was the last person I wanted to see. 

It was Sunday and it was time for breakfast, but I wasn't hungry, actually. I stayed in my room and started to draw. I started to draw something random. But it wasn't random. It was Draco. My hand started to draw Draco, almost as if I wasn't even able to control what I was drawing. I wonder if Draco noticed I was gone. 

I stayed in my room most of the day drawing. Drawing Draco. I put my sketch book down on my bed once my hand started to go numb, and I got up to open my window. There suddenly came a knock on my door.

I went to the door and opened it. It was Draco with a sandwich in his hands. 

"Can I come in?" he asked with puppy eyes. 

I moved out of the way as a signal he can come in and then closed the door. Draco headed for my bed. My bed. The sketch book. Draco face was in my sketch book. Oh god. 

I ran to my bed and quickly took the book away before he could see it. He gave me a strange look, but sat down without a comment. 

"I brought you a sandwich, you weren't at breakfast and I'm sure you're hungry." He says as he hands the sandwich over. 

"Thanks Draco." I really was hungry, but I sent it aside for now. 

"I want to apologize for last night. I didn't mean for that to happen." He said.

"Which part? When you yelled at me or when you hit the crap out of my wall and door."

"Ruby, I can't believe Im gonna say this, but I was just jealous. I saw you with scar head-"

"You mean Harry" I interrupt. 

"Yeah whatever. Its just-" Draco then stood up and walked over to me. He put his hands on my waist and said, "I wanted to be the one touching you. Dancing with you. Watching someone else have you, made me upset. And you looked so fucking good in the dress" He whispered into my ear.  

"Draco, why do you care. You said it yourself. We aren't together." 

"Thats the thing, Princess." he says. Draco is holding my waist even tighter. 

"What do you mean?"

Draco looks at me and then backs away and smiles. 

"The time will come, Princess." He says, and then heads out.

Was Draco about to ask me to be his girlfriend?

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