Ch. 5- First Kiss

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I'm wearing a black lace bra and a red underwear. I cover myself with my bare arms as Draco Malfoy stares me down.

"Do you mind?!" 

"No not at all actually, the views quite nice" He says. 

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask, and he automatically looks away. I put on sweats and a sweatshirt. "You can look now" I say.

"Were playing a game down in the common room, I was coming here to ask you if you'd like to join, Rebecca, is it?"

"Ruby. And what game?" 

"Spin the bottle"

Spin the bottle? What a human thing to do, or should I start saying muggle? "Oh okay, sure" 

Draco and I walk downstairs to the main area and see other fifth years sitting. On the table is a glass bottle. 

"Ah there you guys are, so rules are simple, you spin and you can choose to kiss or pass, but if you pass, you get a dare from the person you're skipping" Pansy explains. 

I look up and see Draco looking at me, I look back down immediately. Oh god Oh god Oh god. The hottest guy at school knows what underwear and bra I am wearing. So embarrassing. 

Blaise starts off and it lands on a boy, he skips and is dared to go scare a bunch of first years. Everyone else has gone except Draco and I. 

Draco stands up and goes to the bottle. He gives it a good spin, as it slows down it slows towards me. Draco Malfoy bottle landed on me.

"Oh, the new girl, shit Draco" Blaise says.

Its time to show who I really am. I'm in Slytherin for a reason, I need to stop acting like a baby and fearing everything. "Are you gonna kiss me, or no" I ask?

I can see Pansy staring at Draco, she definitely looks worried.

Draco comes up to me and puts his hand out, I put my hand on his and I stand, then Draco grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I felt like fireworks were shooting and it was only the two of us. His warm, wet lips touching mine felt so powerful. 

"Dracooooo!!!! Its a supposed to be a 2 second kiss not 20 hour kiss." Pansy says annoyingly.

"Oh, right." Draco backs away, but I can tell he liked it a lot. 

It was my turn to go, I spinned the bottle and it slows down. As it comes to a stop, it lands on Draco again. Wow this place really is magical.

"Ill take it." I say. I walk up to Draco who has a smile on his face. He stands up.

"Round 2?" I say

I grab Draco and kiss him hard. I made sure it would be a kiss he'd never forget. After the kiss, I turn around and see Pansy hurt.

"It was just a game Pansy, You kissed Blaise when it landed on him!" said Draco.

Pansy sat there silenced as we all laughed. Did I feel bad? Maybe a little bit, but was it worth it? Hell yes.

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