Ch.8- The Kiss

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The first week of school has ended, and Hermione, Ron and Harry all invited me to join them for something called a butter beer at Hogsmeade. What on earth is butter beer?!

I went back to my dorm and got dresses, I through on a black sweater, jeans and boots, put my hair down and headed out to catch the group. 

"Hey Ruby!" Harry yelled out.

"Hey guys!" I said back to them and then we headed on out. It was a beautiful evening, went to a shop and found some seats. Harry ordered us all butter beer. It was absolutely creamy deliciousness. I had about 3! 

We made our way way to Hogwarts when these two red haired twins came running to us. They introduced themselves as George and Fred Weasley, Ron's older "cooler" brothers. They informed us on the party that was happening tomorrow night in the Great Hall. It was for all the 5th, 6th and last year students. 

 After talking about the party I headed on back to the Slytherin common room. 

"Silver sea lion" I said as I went to the picture which opened up to the common room. As I came in Draco and his posse were all sitting by the fire talking and playing chess. 

"Hey Ruby! So the party is tomorrow night and well we should get ready together!" Pansy shouted. 

"Uh yeah sure, why not!" I told Pansy. I had nothing against Pansy, she was overall very nice, but clearly she was insecure when it came to Draco. I headed on to my room and closed the door. I looked in my closet to where all my clothes hung, and started looking at dresses. I didn't think a place like this had teenage parties, so I didn't have much t choose from. 

I looked and looked then came across 3 dresses. The first was coral pink, short, maybe too short, and silky. The second one was a white dress, silky too, and strapless. It tends to fall off my boobs often. The third one, was a Long sleeve, short laced dress, it was the color evergreen, and fit perfectly. I loved the coral one, but I'm sure it was quite inappropriate and I don't think I wanna show myself off as being that type of girl, I mean, who do I have here to impress? 

I ended up choosing the evergreen dress, it seemed to be the most appropriate for the circumstances. I put it aside and went to bed.

The next day I woke up in a good mood. Probably because there was a party tonight, but it could've also been the fact I woke up to the smell of Draco, in a non creepy way, of course. 

As the day passed on, it was getting closer to the party. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower. Mid way through the shower I hear knocking at my door. I hope out soaking wet and wrap myself in a towel.

Knock, knock.

"Come in!" I yelled as I got closer to the dress. I assumed it would be pansy but instead Draco walks in.

"Well well, look what we have here" Draco says smiling. 

"Shit, Draco. Im sorry I thought you were Pansy, what do you need." I say, definitely sounding embarrassed.

Draco walks to the bed and sees the dress you picked out laid out on your bed. "Beautiful dress, suits you well" He says. "Don't mind me, Im coming here to pick up my book, left it here when I was teaching you." He picks up the book and turns. He looks you up and down. 

"Why'd you come now, are you finding excuses to come see me?" I say back

"Please, don't flatter yourself Ruby. I'll see you tonight in your dress though." He says then starts walking out. I closed the door after him and ran to the bathroom. What on earth just happened. Why'd he come now though, Its been 5 days since the day he left it here. Why did he actually come.

An hour before the party I headed over to Pansys room, she roomed with a girl named Astoria. We did our makeup and hair then dressed up. 

"Hey Pansy, so tell me about you and Draco." I ask

"Well we started dating beginning of last year. We've been on and off since. Draco likes to... have moments to himself." She says

"What do you mean moments to himself?" I asked.

"She means he cheats on her because he has nothing better to do." Astoria says. "Yet, she still stays with him although he cheated on her all summer"

"Pansy you deserve better" I say

"He says he will stay faithful, I just hope he means it" Pansy says.

Astoria gives me a look, and I can tell she knows he won't stay faithful. Reminds me maybe I really do need to stay away from him.

We get to the party and I meet up with Hermione, Ron and Harry

"Wow Ruby you look beautiful!" Harry says. 

"Why thank you Harry"

For the next hour I danced my ass off, meet new people, and have the best experience of my life. As I get out to the crowd again I start to dance, then suddenly something rubs against me. I turn around and I see it's Draco. 

Draco Malfoy rubbed against me.

"Excuse me" Draco said, trying to get through the crowd. I moved out of the way and watched him walk up to Pansy. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close and kissed her. I felt jealous. I shouldn't have. 

"He's a cheater Ruby, nothing more" "A very handsome one though" Said to myself. 

For the rest of the party I danced with my friends, we had a great time and by the end of the night we said our "see you later"'s and headed back to the our common room.

"Hey Ruby wait up!" I turned around saw that was Harry running up to me.

"Oh hey Harry"

"Hey I wanted to just tell you, you looked beautiful tonight. And I had a lot of fun with you." He said. 

I blushed and kissed Harry on the cheek. "I had fun too."

Harry left and I made my way back to the Slytherin common room. Seemed like everyone had gone to their rooms, either to sleep, or continue partying. I went up to my room and laid on my bed. My feet were sore and I was very tired. I went to the bathroom and brushed out my curls and then took my makeup off. I went into my room and suddenly theres a knock. 

I went to open the door and it's Draco.

"Draco what are you doing here" I say, very confused.

"I was thinking about you" He says. My heart completely skips a beat. 

"I was kidding" He says again and starts laughing. "Pansy said you have her scrunchie and asked my to get it for her."

I was embarrassed. "Oh yeah sure, one sec." I went to the bathroom and got the scrunchie for him.

If Draco really wants to play this game, it's time I start playing with him. 

"Hey Draco before you leave, can you help me with my dress." I say. I turn around and pull my hair to the side. 

Draco starts to slowly unzip my dress. I was bare chested and once he saw he went even slower. I can feel him breathing on my neck. He gets all the way.

I turn around once he unzips my dress. Draco and I are standing at most 4 inches away from each other. Were looking in to each others eyes. Then suddenly, Draco pulls me in, and he kisses me. He kisses me. ME. 

His lips are the same as they were the first time. Warm and wet. I kiss him back, his hands are on my waist pulling me closer. He must've kissed me for about a minute before he backed away. He turned around and left. 

It was like a dream. But what just happened, I had no clue.

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