Ch. 1- It's just a Prank

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         "Ruby it's time to wake up dear or you're going to be late, again." mum yelled out. My mum wasn't my actual birth mum, she adopted me along with her husband 12 years ago after my parents died, apparently in a car crash. She is a short, yet chubby, cheery woman aged 42, and her husband, my adoptive dad, is a tall, also chubby, 45 year old. I love them both so much, and they loved me.  

I am a brown long haired 16 year old, with bright blue eyes, not too tall, not too short, and fairly thin.

"Sorry mum! I'm coming" I yelled back. It was mid August and I was starting another year in High school soon. I hated school. The kids there hated me, they just didn't get me, I guess. I got up and got dressed for work, I worked at the local bakery to earn enough money to possibly go to college. My adoptive parents aren't the poorest folks out there, but they aren't the richest either. 

"Ruby, love, you know you can set the alarm to wake up dear." 

"Yes mum, I'm sorry won't happen again" I kissed my mum on the cheek as I left the house and walked to the bakery. It was a sunny day in London, which was quite unusual. 

"Ah, Ruby, only 8 minutes and 45 seconds late.." said Bridget. Bridget was my boss, we had a rough relationship, mostly because I was always late, but she hasn't fired me due to the fact I make quite a good sell.

"I'm sorry! It wont happen again!" 

"Mhm heard that one too many times now." 

I had a rather good shift, made a few good tips, and I headed home right after. On my way back I spotted a kitten on the sidewalk next to my house.

"Aww kitty, kitty, are you lost?"

"MEOOOOOW" the cat lynched forward.

"Well shit! Just wanted to help. Fine, suit yourself." I left the cat and walked home. When I opened the door I noticed the mail had arrived. I picked up the mail and took it to the kitchen, and there laid a note on the counter that read: we've gone to the store, be back soon, dinners on the stove warm it up, signed mum

I began look through the mail and see its all for dad, but then I saw a rather strange note. It's a medium sized envelope, a bit dirty, and looks quite old. On the front it has a handwritten note that writes To Ruby Foressner

"What is this?" I open the envelope and there's a note written in it. It says:

Dear Ms Foressner,

I would like to congratulate you to your acceptance to Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. we are looking forward to having you join us this Upcoming fall school year. Below you will find all your school items, books, uniforms and where to find them.

I put the letter down and started to laugh. 

"What kind of prank is this" I put the letter in the trash and started to heat up my dinner. After a bit thinking I started to realize something. Hogwarts. That sounds quite familiar, but I don't remember where I know this from. I opened the trash can lid and looked at the envelope again. 

"Must just be some prank, wizards and witches aren't real" I laughed and threw the letter back in the trash. 

After dinner I took a shower and I went back to my room. Mum and dad were already back from the store. 

I love to draw, its been the only thing that has helped me through the years, I was bullied for being adopted all my life, and drawing is the only way I have learned to cope. I sat down and pulled out my sketchpad. I started to draw. I usually drew whatever came to mind, my favorite color to use was black. I couldn't tell you why, it just soothed me the most.

As I clean up the mess I made, I go to use the bathroom just before bed. When I walk back into my room there's another envelope, the same envelope as before.

"How on earth, my window was locked, how could anything have gotten in here?" I opened the letter again. It was the same exact letter, not one difference at all. 

"What the hell" I went downstairs and checked the garbage, the letter I threw away earlier was gone. Is this some sick joke. I walked back upstairs and as I entered my room there was a tall man with a beard about 5 feet long hanging from his chin looking at my sketch book. 

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