Ch. 9- Irresistible

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It was Monday, the second week of school, and that means Draco will be tutoring me again. I was quite nervous. The kiss from Saturday night scared me. I didn't expect it, and Pansy is my friend. Maybe he was confused? But I liked it, and by the fact that he didn't let go, Im assuming he did too. I mean he was the one who kissed me first. But what did this mean?

I went to all my morning classes and then headed to transfiguration, where I was to see Draco for the first time since that night. It wasn't our first time, but still, it was quite strange. 

I went to sit down in my seat and a few minutes after, Draco came, same as always, unbothered. He was acting as if I were invisible. 

Class had begun and we had a quiz, I was quite confident I did well, mostly because I remembered what Draco taught me. As class was dismissed, Draco didn't say anything to me. I was quite confused, but I didn't bother complaining. I assumed his silence meant no tutoring. I was afraid of that, due to the reason he was the only reason why I understood what was happening in class. 

After school, I headed to the library, since I was sure Draco wasn't going to be my tutor anymore, I needed to stay on top of things. I sat there until 8:15, and then headed back to my dorm.

As I headed up to my room, I opened the door and noticed my light was on. There sitting on my bed was Draco. 

"You're late." He said. 

"AHHH" I screamed. "What the hell are you doing in my room? How'd you even get in?" 

"Darling, I came to tutor you, don't flatter yourself. Now sit. We're behind schedule." He ordered.

"Uh thanks Draco, but I actually studied already, I think I'm good for now!" I said. But Draco stayed still.

He then suddenly stands and walks to me. 

"Now listen princess, you are gonna sit down and listen to me as I teach you." He says. Did he just call me princess? God, that as so hot. I went to my desk and sat down. Draco comes and follows me to the desk and comes behind me. Then hovers of me and flips the book into the page he wanted to teach. As he came down, his face comes down right next to mine. I smell his cologne, the same dreamy scent. 

I turn my head towards him and he turns his towards me. I look into his eyes, and he looks into mine, and then I watch as his eyes go down and look at my lips. Then out of nowhere I lean in and kiss him. It's the same magical feeling. And I was certain, that Draco was kissing me back. 

He then put his hands on my cheeks, embracing me and stood up, which also made me stand. We were kissing, and I didn't want it to stop. Draco kissed me long and hard, and I'm sure I felt his tongue too. He was such a good kissing. He then suddenly stopped.

"Kissing the teacher, eh? Sorry princess, but I have a girl." he says.

"Then why'd you kiss me like that?" I said.

"You kissed me" he said.

"You kissed me back. You liked it admit it" I say.

Draco stays quiet, then reaches for his jacket that's on my bed. 

"See you next for our lesson, darling" He said. He walks out the door and I fall back onto my bed. Man. How can someone be so irresistible. 

The next day I headed out to class and as I walked through the hallway, Astoria is with Pansy. Pansy was crying, I noticed and I rushed right over. 

"Oh my goodness Pansy what happened?" I asked, quite worried, the poor girl looked absolutely devastated. 

"Draco broke up with me." Pansy said as she cried out even more tears. My heart stopped beating for a second. I wondered why, was it my fault?

"What! Why?" I asked, I was truly curious why. 

"He said because he wants to be alone. I gave that man everything. I was so so good to him!" She continued to cry. Wow, Draco is single now, but was was the true reason for the breakup?

"I went to all my classes and then had potions last. I sat with Hermione and the boys. Professor Snape didn't like me, I was sure of it. He always picked on, trying to humiliate me as if I wouldn't know the answers to any of the questions he's asked me. 

As the class began, Draco and Blaise walk in. 

"You're late" Snape says, completely emotionless. "Sit down and don't talk" It was clear Snap favored Draco, but it was also clear that Draco, was quite unbothered. Why'd he break up with Pansy 12 hours after we kissed, again.

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