Ch. 20- Under the Mistletoe

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It was the week of Christmas. My parents went on vacation and I had to stay here at Hogwarts for the holidays. It was my first Christmas alone away from home. And it seemed like it really was going to be lonely.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were all spending the holiday at the Weasleys. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna come? Mum won't mind at all!" Ron says.

"Thanks for the invite, truly, but I'm gonna stay here. maybe next year." I went to Hug them all and waved them goodbye as they left. I headed back to the common room and sat by the fire place on the couch and started to sketch a new picture. 

"Aye Princess" Draco said suddenly.

"Draco? What are you doing here? Why aren't you going home?" I asked, I was very confused. 

"Mum and dad have some business, so they told me to stay home, guess you're stuck with me." He says. 

Oh great. How perfect. 

I spent most of the week alone and then Christmas came. I woke up to a sudden knock. 

"Merry Christmas Princess!" Draco says as he walks in.

"Draco, why are you so cheery."

"Cmon. Were one of the few Slytherins who's stayed here. I wanna show you something. Meet me by the picture at 12 sharp. Don't be late. Oh and you should wear that black dress." He says and winks at the same time. 

I had no idea what Draco was talking about, but I got up and got ready and put on the black dress and headed to the picture. There was Draco in his black suit waiting for me. 

"Draco, where are we gong?" I asked.

"Just come with me" Draco says and takes my hand. We start to walk up a hallway Ive never seen and then up steel stairs. We heading up to the Astronomy Tower. But why? Was he going to push me off or something? 

We got on top and Draco let go of my hand. he walked to the arch that was open and looked out. I followed him. The view was immaculate. I have never seen anything so beautifully and the snow that was falling made it 10 times prettier.  

"Draco, why'd you bring me here" I asked after a few moments of silence. 

"I wanted to take you to my spot. I come here all the time when I wanna be alone and think." He says and then begins to walk towards me. 

"Think about what?" 

"You." He said. He then pulled me tight and kissed me passionately. I look at him and he points up. 

"Ha, how'd a mistletoe get here?"

"Magic" he said. 

But I wanted more. I didn't want him to stop kissing me. I ran to Draco and I kissed him.I kissed him long and hard. And we didn't stop. I felt as if we were floating. Draco took my hands and began walking down. Neither one of us said a word, he led, and I followed. We got to the Slytherin common room and he took me to his room. I walked in and he locked the door. 

Draco grabbed my face and continued to kiss me. He started to push me slowly towards his bed and he started to unzip my dress. 

"No bra again?" He asked, but I knew he wasn't complaining. 

He took the straps of my dress off my shoulder and the dress fell off my body. Draco is kissing me and then picks me up and carries me against the a wall. He's holding me as my legs are wrapped around him. He kisses my lips, then goes down to my neck and then down to my chest and kisses me everywhere. 

He takes me to his bed, and takes off his suit jacket and begins to unbutton his shirt.

"Do you want this?" He asks me. He didn't even have to say it, I knew what he meant. And yes I wanted it. I wanted it more than ever. He took off his shirt and I ran my hands against his abs, and he continued to kiss me. I then feel Dracos hands go down into to underwear and I feel his fingers go inside of me. I start to moan and Draco continues to kiss my neck. 

Draco then pushes me back on the bed, and rips my black lace underwear off of me. I'm laying naked on the bed. Draco unzips his pants and completely dresses, the view was one I would never forget. He pushes me down again and kisses my neck and then goes down to my boobs. He starts to suck my skin I can feel the hickey begin to form there.

Draco went lower and lower until I felt his tongue licking me. It felt so good down there. I held onto the bed sheets, gripping them as hard as I could. My eyes are closed when I feel him enter me. My grip becomes much stronger and I look at Draco. 

"Look into my eyes" He orders, and so I do. The feeling is strange. It hurts yet feels so good. 

"Slower" I say. But he doesn't listen. He goes faster and faster. Draco leans down to me and kisses me lips.

"Has anyone ever told you you're very beautiful?" He says

"Just you."

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