Ch. 13- My Teacher

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It was once again Monday, and classes were back in session. It also meant that Draco was coming to see me for tutoring. But what is going to happen tonight after what happened on Saturday... well I don't know. 

I was thinking about Cormac. I felt bad, but at the same time, we weren't technically together so it wasn't cheating. I got up quite early, I wrote my mum and dad a letter, telling them how everything is well at the "art academy" and then sent it away with my owl. I then got dressed and headed out for breakfast. 

For breakfast I stopped by the golden trio and asked them how their weekend went, they were all asking me about Cormac and I told him he was great. Then I headed to where Pansy was sitting. I began to eat when Draco and his posse showed up, they end up sitting across from Pansy and I. 

"Boys." Pansy says. 

"So Ruby, tell us how was your date with Prince Charming" Blaise asked, and the boys all laughed including Draco. 

"Haha very funny. It was actually, quite good." I said, and Draco looks at me. 

"Ended the night on a Big Bang?" Draco asked. 

"You can say that" I began to cough and the boys laugh. 

I finish off my food then head to my first class of the day. But I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. What WAS that. What even am I to him. Like this must be some joke.. RIGHT??????

Class after class Draco is the only thing on my mind. 

Finally comes the last class of the day. Transfiguration. I come to the class and for the first time, Draco is already in his seat. 

"Hello Ms McLaggen, or should I say Ms Moan-y" Draco whispers in my ear. 

"Draco shut up." I say back trying to hold back a smile. 

For the rest of class we take notes and read. Draco though, wont stop bugging me. He either takes my paper away, or closes my book and makes me lose my page. 

"Draco, why do you keep doing that" I say, annoyed.

"Well, I gotta have something to teach you tonight." He say back. 

My spine tingles and I sit straight up and show no emotion. The things this boy is doing to me..

After class ends I rushed out without waiting for anyone. I walked quickly to my room and shut the door. I then started cleaning my room, took a shower, shaved, and moisturized. I had no clue what was going to happen tonight but I had to be prepared. 

As it got closer to 8 I went to go change. I looked around my closet, got sweatpants, A zipper jacket, and then chose a matching set of black laced bra and underwear. 

I then tied my hair up, remembering how Draco said he liked it that way, then sprayed my lavender scented perfume all over myself. I then got my books and pretending like I totally didn't just prepare for a hook up. 

It was finally 8 and the weekly knock came. 

"Its open!"

"Hello princess." Draco says as he comes in. He too is wearing a sweatshirt and sweats. Strange seeing him so underdressed. 

"Ready for some tutoring?" He asked, almost sounded quite sarcastic. We studied for and hour and a half and then we got bored. I jumped onto the bed where Draco was laying down. 

"How do you know this stuff so well?" I asked him.

"Because I'm a genius." He says back. I rolled my eyes. 

He then leans over, and pulls my ponytail back. 

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked, but you can hear that he is no longer messing around. 

"No, sir" I say back and smile. Draco then pushes me so I lay on my back. 

"You think you're so funny eh?" He says to me. Then suddenly I feel Dracos cold fingers touch my stomach and then slowly make it down into my pants. And then I feel it again. He's there once again. I feel not one, but two fingers now, inside of me, cold fingers, the feeling returns. I begin to  moan, and Draco looks at me.

"You like that?" 

I look at Draco while I tilt my head back. I like it so very much. He then begins to kiss my neck as he's till going. He them stops and pulls his fingers out. 

"Mm, my favorite, black lace." he says. Then suddenly I get up and I am now on top of Draco. I unzip his jacket and yes bare under. I run my fingers along his abs, then I start kissing him and his lips. Im sitting on it, and I begin to make sudden movements. I scooch myself directly on it and move up, and down, and up and down. Draco places his hands on my lower back and moves down to the point he's touching my butt. Then suddenly there's a knock on my door. 

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