Ch. 11- The Quidditch Game

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It was Saturday, and the match was in 4 hours. I woke up and showered, then went for breakfast. When I came back it was time to start heading out to the field. I was confused on what this quidditch was, but Draco explained it in a way I guess made sense. Ugh no, I want Draco out my head!

I changed into black jeans, a matching black jean jacket and a dark green top under. I put on comfy warm boots, a Slytherin hat, scarf and black mittens, it was starting to get quite chilly.

I head outside with Pansy and Astoria and right before we go to the field, McLaggen yelled for me. He was in his quidditch uniform and looked quite handsome. 

"Hey Ruby!" He yelled out after me.

"Hey Cormac! Good luck out there today!"

"Thanks, listen I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a date... ?" he asked.

"Oh um, yeah sure!" I answered back, and at that exact moment the Slytherin quidditch team came out. There in the front was Draco. Looked handsome as ever, in his green quidditch suit, it was mind-blowing. He looked both handsome, and strong, yet so arrogant at the same time. It was something "God-Like". 

"Ruby?" Cormac said.

"Omg, I'm sorry what were you saying?

"That I will pick you up at 6 tonight?"

"OHH yeah okay see you then, bye!" I totally had no idea what he said, but all I cared about was if Draco saw me talking with him, and was he jealous? Wait no no, WHY RUBY. Chill. I headed up to meet Pansy and Astoria, and they asked about McLaggen. 

The game had begun, and as anyone may have guessed, my eyes never left Draco. Every move he made, my eyes moved there with him. I didn't understand anything that was happening, but I could tell Harry was a really good player! McLaggen was ok, although I didn't quite pay attention. The score was about 80-140, Slytherin was leading, apparently if you caught some golden snitch thing the team got 150 points and would win if that was enough to stumble the other team. 

Suddenly, I noticed both Harry and Draco were zooming on their brooms for a small gold ball, I assumed that was the the snitch. They both went for it, it seriously looked as if they were about to clash, when suddenly one of the Slytherin beaters through one at Harry and he lost control. 

Draco Malfoy had caught the snitch. Everyone including myself, was jumping up and down, Gryffindor was a champion type of team and with the fact that they lost, and Draco caught the snitch was quite extraordinary. Everyone rushed off the stands to the field to congratulate the team, I went with them. When I got down, I saw Harry, he looked devastated, but he congratulated me on the win. 

"Thank you Harry, I hope you're okay!"

"I will be, take care" Harry said, and then headed back. I walked towards to the Slytherin team, and I see Malfoy approach me.

"AH so you weren't lying when you said you were quite the player," I said.

"What can I tell you, Im a legend." Draco said with a smile looking at me.

"Oh look, its your new boyfriend" He says again, and points to McLaggen who is waiting to talk to me I assume.

"He's not my boyfriend. But congrats once again Malfoy." I say, and Malfoy winks at me. I turn around and head to McLaggen.

"Hey you okay" I asked him.

"why are you talking to that scumbag?" he says.

"Um he's my friend." I say back.

"I'm sorry Ruby, I'm just upset, I swear I usually play better , but I was just nervous."

"Its ok Cormac." I tell him. 

"Ill meet you by the great hall tonight alright. See ya" He says and then leaves. I don't know what I am getting myself into, but this better be good. 

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