Ch. 7- The Tutor

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It is 7:30, just 30 minutes before Malfoy will be coming. I am not sure how this will look like, where will he sit, will he really teach me things? Oh godddddd, help! For the next 15 minutes, I clean and organize my room, I don't want him to think I am some slob.

Its finally 8 and there's a knock on the door. I opened the door, and there was Draco. He was wearing a black shirt and black joggers. I didn't think a man could get any more attractive. But I need to stop. He not only has a girlfriend, but he's a bad boy, impolite, and would probably break my heart.

"Come on in" I say

"Why thank you" Draco walks in and looks around your room. 

"warm and private, very nice" He says. Yes it was private, but why comment about that. 

Draco heads to my bed and jumps on it. He lays down and relaxes. It looks almost as if he is on a beach tanning.

"Wow yeah, make yourself at home." I say. 

We begin and I sit at my desk. I have my books out and my notes. But Draco is still chilling on my bed. But the thing that shocks me the most, is how smart he really is. He was explaining everything perfectly. So effortlessly and so detailed. I understood everything perfectly, better than Professor McGonagall taught.

It was 10:38, and my hand started to hurt from all the writing. 

"Alright, that's it for today, see you again next week" He says, and then gets up and heads towards the door.

I walked to the door to say goodbye. As I got closer to the door, so did Draco. Both our hands touched the doorknob at the same time. His hands were warm but he had two rings, and they were cold. Neither one of us removed our hands for a few seconds. Then I removed my hand and Draco did as well. We stood there looking at each other, our faces couldn't have been more than 6 inches apart. He smiles. Im frozen, I have no idea what's about to happen. I suddenly open the door and moves out the way.

"See you" I say. He then leaves and I close the door quickly. What was that!? Was he going to kiss me? No, he wouldn't have, he's just a tease. I headed back to my bed. As I laid down I could smell Draco. His strong mahogany scented cologne was all over my pillow.  I laid in bed that night attached to the pillow. It smelled like heaven. 

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