Ch. 17- Another Date

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Its been about a month and a half since Draco and I opened up to each other. since then we spent every tutoring day studying and then talking about our lives. I was correct. Draco is definitely the spoiled rich kid, but he was a cute spoiled rich kid. We haven't actually done anything sexual, which was strange but also kind of nice to just talk. I do miss his hands touching my skin, though. 

It was currently Thursday after school, and Halloween was on Saturday night. Students at Hogwarts organized a Halloween dance party, and all the boys were asking girls. I wanted Draco to ask me, but we aren't together or anything and I definitely don't wanna seem too desperate. 

I met up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron at the library, we had a big divination test tomorrow and neither one of us wanted to fail. 

"So Ruby, do you have a date to the dance yet?" Ron asked me, looking at Hermione with a smile and then winking at Harry. 

"Haha no, why'd you make a face like that?" I asked, I was looking at the 3 of them suspiciously.

"Well, Hermione and Ron are going together, so I was wondering if you want to come with me as my date?" Harry asked.

"Harry! Of course I would live to go with you!" It was almost as if my response surprised them all. 

I liked Harry, as a friend of course, he was always very sweet and such a gentlemen, I just really hope he doesn't look at me as more. 

We all made plans and talked about what were were going to wear, and then we packed up and headed out. Harry came to me as Hermione and Ron made their way back. 

"Hey Ruby, thanks for going with me, I hope you don't feel forced into doing it." Harry says and then looks down. 

"Hey, Harry, I really am happy you asked, I think we will have a lot of fun!" I say back and he looked much happier. "Ill see you tomorrow in class. Goodnight Harry." I say. 

"Goodnight Ruby." He says back. I was truly looking forward to spending time with Harry, especially because I knew it made make Draco's blood boil. 

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