Ch. 18- The Halloween Dance

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It was the day of the Halloween dance, and I woke up feeling quite excited. I headed down to breakfast and sat by Malfoy and his boy posse. 

"Ah Foressner, excited for the dance tonight?" Blaise asks. Draco looks up at me and laughs.

"It's quite sad, isn't it. Having no date to the dance?" Draco says and his boys all laugh with him. 

"Actually, Im going with Harry." I say, and the table roars up in laughter, except Draco. He looks genuinely mad. 

"Well, I hope you two enjoy yourselves tonight." He says, trying to hide his annoyance. 

I ate the rest of my breakfast in silence reading a book, then headed up to my room. As I opened my door I screamed and shut the door quickly. 

"Draco what are you doing here, stop scaring me!" I say, out of breath. 

"Do you think you'll make me jealous if you go with Pottah? Well I can tell you right now, Pansy and I will be going together, and I don't feel a bit jealous of you two." He says. 

"Draco, Harry asked me, plus like you said, were nothing. So, why do you care so much anyways? Seems like you're a bit jealous yourself." I say back. 

"Jealous, of you and Pottah? Please I'd rather pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower." He snapped back.  

"Do you need anything else, Draco? I said back, I think he was starting to tell he annoyed me a bit. 

"Don't worry Princess, I know you'll be watching me all night anyways." He then passes me and heads out. 

I decided not to be bothered by Draco, tonight was a night to relax and have fun. I deserve it. 

As it got closer to the dance, I took a shower, did my hair and makeup and then chose to wear my new black dress I bought at Hogsmeade. It was a tight short dress, but I liked the way It outlined my curves. I went to meet Harry, Hermione and Rona after I got ready and we headed to the dance together. 

"You look stunning Ruby" Harry said to me as we danced together.

"You look quite  handsome yourself Harry."

We danced and danced and had a blast, and then I noticed Pansy and Draco come in. Draco was wearing the same black suit and shirt that he wore the first night I saw him when we first arrived. He looked absolutely handsome. But I was here with Harry, and that's what I needed to focus on. 

The last song of the night came on, and by surprise it was a slow song. Harry put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around Harry was just 2 inches taller than I was, whereas Draco was nearly 8 inches taller. I rested my head on Harrys shoulder when I saw Draco was slow dancing with Pansy. He was looking at me though, and I was looking at him. He put his hands lower on Pansy to the point they were very low. He was doing this to torment me, I was sure of it.  But he didn't take his eyes off of me, not even once. 

When the song finished Harry walked me back to the Slytherin common room painting. 

"I had an incredible night with you Harry, thank you" I kissed him on the cheek and we said our good nights. I walked up the stairs and noticed Draco was standing by my door. 

"Open the door and get in" He ordered. 

I wasn't sure where this was going. Draco came behind me and shut the door. He then suddenly hit my door very loudly it made me jump. 

"Why the fuck did you let him touch you like that!" He starts to yell at me. I was completely shocked, this was absolutely the last thing I thought was going to happen. 

"Draco, what the hell are you talking about. I thought you didn't care. You literally Pansy and were touching her ass." 

"Who the hell let you wear such a tight and short dress too, huh?"

"Draco, you are not in charge of me. I don't know what you're on about, or why you're so mad. We aren't even together!!" Once I said that it seemed like time went out on a bomb and it was nearly about to explode. 

"Slut." He called me and then slams the door on his way out. 

Draco Malfoy, just called me, a slut. 

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