Ch. 16- The Good Guy?

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I went to Draco's room at 9, and I was quite freaking out, but I had hope it wasn't going to be so bad. 

I knocked on Draco's room , and I heard him come to the door. He opened to and told me to come in. Draco's room was jaw dropping. It had high ceilings and a huge window. The walls were  dark gray and the floor was stone. He had a large bed with evergreen curtains hanging from the boards above, and he had a beautiful black chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were bookshelves and a desk area, and another couch. It was amazing. Clearly he was spoiled, but wow, this man had style. 

"Wow Draco, your room is magnificent."I say, unable to take my eyes off the chandelier. 

"You can sit on the bed." He says. And I do so. I go and sit on his bed, and he goes to lock the door and then closes his blinds. Then he goes on his bed and lays down. I look at his bedside table and see a picture frame of him with two other adults.

"Are these your parents?" I ask.

"Yes, mum and dad."

"Your mom is beautiful, Draco." I say and turn to see him smiling.

"What about your parents? You don't have any pictures of them lying around." He says back. 

"My mum and died in a car crash when I was very young. I had no relatives to take me in so I was put up for adoption. My adoptive parents took me in and loved me with every bit of their soul."

"Your parents, were they wizards?" He asked.

"I believe so. Dumbledore Sid something about me being a pureblood, but I didn't know what that meant. My adoptive parents are muggles, but they are my world." 

"I'm sorry about your parents. So you're drawings, are those ways you-" he starts to say. 

"Cope?" I interrupt. "Yeah. I was bullied in school and got in trouble a lot because I didn't fit in, and when I got in trouble my mum would take my toys away, and I would draw instead. I fell in live with it quickly, and became very good at it.  And yeah. Art is like my therapy, I guess you can say."

"Thats beautiful." He says then caresses my cheek. 


"You use your pain for art, and you're very talented Ruby." he says and it makes me blush. 

"So why'd you get bullied in school" he then asked.

"I was always different. The things I liked, other girls didn't like, and the guys though I was weird and ugly. I had no one."

"Well the boys are lying about one thing, you are weird-" he says and giggles. "But you're quite beautiful." He says, then leans in and kisses me. 

We stayed in his room for about a good hour and a half before I decided to head on back. 

"It was nice opening up to you Draco. You're actually a good listener." I said and then left. Draco Malfoy, seems like there's more to you then you're letting on I must say. 

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