Ch. 10- The Mystery Girl

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After school, I went on a walk around the school. I don't know about you but I swear this school gives a good cardio workout. As I walked through the hall I ran into Blaise.

"Hey Ruby, right?" he called out as he came to me.

"Uh hey yeah." I say back. Blaise has never talked to me, he only really stared at my ass. 

"So I was wondering, what are you doing Friday night?" He asked. I don't know where he was going with this but I wasn't really feeling it. 

"I have a date. Why do you ask?" I lied. 

"Oh damn really. With who?"

"Goodnight Blaise" I walked away as fast as I could, to avoid all confrontation with him. Blaise was NOT just about to ask me out. Oh my. 

 I got to the Slytherin common room and there was Pansy, still crying. Astoria by her side, looking quite annoyed. I walked past them fast enough so they didn't see me, and went up into my room. And there was the smell again. The scent of strong mahogany. Dreamy like always. Oh how I wish Draco was in here touching me again. 

As it got late in the night, I put my book down and finished all my homework. I had another transfiguration partner test tomorrow, and I wanted to impress Professor McGonagall, and maybe Draco as well. 

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. I put on my uniform and I tied my hair back up in a high ponytail. 

I headed of to class, and it already seemed like Pansy found herself a new boy. Quite interesting, but he was nowhere near Draco's level. 

I went to all my classes and then finally had transfiguration. Draco came in. 

"New hairstyle Foressner?" he said. Why is Malfoy calling me by my last name suddenly, what can this mean? 

"Mhm" I say back, acting like it's not big deal. Draco sits down and whispers to my ear. 

"I like it, shows off your bare neck." As he backed away, I got the chills. I can tell he was enjoying all this teasing.

"I heard you and Pansy broke up" I said out of nowhere.

"Ah yes, are you hoping it's your turn now?" He says, but I can tell he's being serious. 

"Um no, haha, I w-was just w-wondering why you did it, s-sorry" I stuttered, now embarrassed. 

"I have someone else in mind" He says, and smiles, but doesn't look at me. Was he talking about me? He wouldn't be, would he?

Professor McGonagall introduces the test and what we are to do. Each student will work with there students to change a plant into a flame. I was quite nervous, especially because I had no idea how to do this, I haven't gotten here yet. Draco notices me struggling with the wand movements, and he helps me out.

"Here" he says. Draco puts his hand on mine and shows me the movement and what the spell is. I do it once and the flower burns in flames. 

"Wow, thanks Draco." I say

"So you coming to the quidditch game Saturday?" He asks. 

"Um quidditch?" I ask back. What on earth is quidditch. 

"Are you sure you belong here?" Draco says, clearly in a jokingly way. He then explains what quidditch is, and he starts to boast about his skills and how amazing of a seeker he is. He says it's Gryffindor versus Slytherin. 

"Sure. I'll go."

"Wish your boyfriend good luck, he will need it when we beat him and the rest of Gryffindor." He says. 

"Boyfriend?"I ask very confused.

"Oh please, Pottah isn't your boyfriend?"

"No, why would you think that?" I ask

"He can't seem to keep his eyes off of you." Draco says. 

"Neither can you" I say back. I can see Draco took that almost too seriously as he turned from pale to red very quickly.

For the rest of the class, I sketched a drawing, felt like forever since the last time I was able to draw. Once class was dismissed, Hermione came to me and said she had someone who she wanted to introduce me to.

"He's the Gryffindor quidditch keeper, Cormac McLaggen. He wanted me to introduce you to him." Hermione said.

"Why?" I asked

"He thinks you're cute. Cmon, he's quite the handsome boy."

Hermione took my hand and we went to the library. There was Cormac, Hermione was quite right, he sure was handsome, and tall. Maybe he was my goal to getting over this strange crush on Malfoy. 

"H-hello." Cormac stood up and shook my hand. I sat down and we talked for a bit. He was quite charming I must say, and his manners made it ten times better. 

"So Ruby, will I be seeing you at the quidditch game Saturday?" He asked me.

"Yes you sure will."

"See you there. It was nice meeting you, see you soon." He said

I said my farewell and left to the common room. Cormac was cute, but I still couldn't stop thinking about who this mystery girl Draco broke up with Pansy for.

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