Ch. 3- The Big Man and the Alley

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It was finally Friday, my parents were heading out of town, and we said our goodbyes until I were to get back from "The art academy" I was starting to feel a bit more nervous. I had no clue what I was to be expecting. I went to sleep that night full of anxiety but also quite excited. I mean me, a witch!? Can you believe that. I definitely can't.

I woke up the next morning to a loud bang downstairs. I freaked out thinking someone was robbing me. I went into the closet door next to my room and took the broom. I slowly went downstairs with the broom. I started to breathe heavily, was I really being robbed?

As I walked down the stairs I turned to see a very large man standing in my kitchen staring a the stove. 

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed so loud the large man jumped

"Good gravy, Ms. Foressner! I'm sorry fo bein here so early I didn mean to scare yeh." 

"Hagrid?" I asked cautiously, I mean Dumbledore did indeed say this man was large, I didn't think he meant THIS large.

"Ah yer, well hello Ruby, nice ter meet yeh. Now why don you get dressd and meet me down her after" He said to me. "But also, we have a lot to der today so er hurry if you may Ms."

"I'll be right down" I ran upstairs and I felt more nervous than before. I changed and got ready, then grabbed my pack suitcase and my letter and went downstairs.

Hagrid and I rode on his motorcycle into Downtown London, and then entered a place named Leaky Cauldron.

"Hagrid, where is this Diagon Alley?" I asked him.

"Were nearly ther kiddo!" He said excitedly.

As we pass through the leaky cauldron, which based on how early in the morning it was, seemed to have been closed. We step outside and we are facing a brick wall. 

"Watch dis" Hagrid starts to laugh and pulls out what looks like a stick and touched the brick wall.

Suddenly the brick wall starts to disappear and a outside market appears.

"Welcome ter Diagon Alley Ruby!"

"Holy shit"

 Hagrid and I walk around. There are so many children and adults walking around.

"Hagrid are all these people-?

"Wizards and witches? Yes ma'am"

"Wow" Hagrid and I make a couple stops to different stores. He was paying with money I've never seen before. Said it was Dumbledores gift to me. I wasn't sure what that mean but I wasn't complaining. We went to get me a wand, which was quite difficult because the man there kept handing me so many different wands. Then we went to get me a uniform. 

"You get measure, I be back soon Ruby with yer owl"

Owl? The lady grabbed me and put me on a stand and started to measure around me. I was looking outside where I saw a boy walking along with his friends following behind him. He was quite handsome. Tall, with platinum blonde hair. A beautiful smile. And then he suddenly disappeared.

After I got measured Hagrid came back with a beautiful black owl. 

"Hagrid is this for me?" 

"Yes ma'am, now lets go to da train station, don want ter be late."

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