Ch. 24- The one who killed.

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I run after Draco.

"Draco wait let me explain please. I swear nothing happened at all. Please just talk to me" I say as I pull on his arm and cry. 

Draco looks at me concerned, but then hesitantly pushes me off.

"I'm sorry Ruby, I can't see you anymore.." Draco says and puts his head down. 

"What!? Why?? Because of Harry? I told you that was nothing Draco!!" I cry out. 

"No, I think it's better.  I'm sorry Ruby." He says and closes his door. I cry on the floor, on my knees. 

I felt like I just lost everything in my life. I walked over to my room and jumped on my bed. I cried all night, I just couldn't believe this all happened. I don't understand why Draco just broke up with me. What is happening?!

It's Saturday, and I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. I just wanted him so badly. I went to breakfast hoping I would see him there, but he was gone. Now where to be seen. Harry, Hermione and Ron were also not at breakfast. He probably told them and now they don't even wanna be my friend any more. 

I decided I had enough of time waiting and hiding out. I went to Draco room and knocked and knocked. 

"Draco open the door right now or I will break it." I scream banging at the door. He opens the door in a rush and grabs my arm and pulls me in. 

"What the hell Ruby, I told you I don't wanna see you anymore." He says, looking anxiously at his door. 

"I am not leaving until you tell me what it going on Draco!" I yell at him. 

"I can't tell you Ruby. I promised my father." He says. 

"Draco I am begging you. I love you, ok. I love you so much." I say. I can't believe I just told Draco I love him when we were never even together. 

"You love me?" He says. 

"I do."

"You won't after I tell you. I'm sorry Ruby. I just can't" He say. 

I run to Draco and put my arms on his cheeks. 

"If you have any feelings for me, you'll tell me. I promise nothing you say will make me change the way I feel about you."  I say, with hope. 

Draco puts his head down. 

"I know how your parents died." He says. 

"I told you how they died Draco, a car accident." I say back, very lost. 

"No Ruby. That was a cover up." 

"Then how did they die." I ask, this time I walk a bit away from Draco. I fell my stomach drop. I didn't know what he was about to say.

"When my father came that day and you met him, he remembered something. Your last name. Foressner."

"Okay, what does that have to do with anything?" 

"Ruby, your parents didn't die in a car crash. They were murdered." He said. 

"By who?" I started to laugh thinking this is some joke. 

"By my father." he said. 

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