Ch.15- The End

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Withe everything that was happening with Draco, I completely forgot about McLaggen, I know were weren't together, but he likes me. But do I like him?

I decided to go and talk to Cormac the next morning. I think he deserved a right to know... well just know enough.

"Hey Cormac, can I talk to you?" I asked him during breakfast.

Cormac agreed and we headed out to the hallway.

"Whats up Roob"

"What? Did you just call me Roob?" I asked him.

"Uh yeah sorry, I came up with a nickname for you, I can stop if you want me to." He says confidently. 

"Uh haha, yeah, anyways, Cormac listen, I think right now we should focus on ourselves and just stay friends."I said, but he seemed to take it way too personally.

"Was it something I've done?" He asked. 

"No, I just have so much work to catch up on and there's just so much we don't know about each other, I just believe that we should, you know, stay friends." I said it as nicely as I possibly could.

"Fine, other girls want me anyways." He says and walks away. I was surprisingly unbothered. I walked back and sat down to finish my breakfast. 

"What was that about?" Pansy asked.

"I told McLaggen, we should just be friends, guess be took it too personally..."

"Aww, Prince Charming wasn't fulfilling your needs?" Draco said, clearly sarcastically. 

"Eavesdrop much?" Pansy said and then rolled her eyes.

"He was very full of himself, he doesn't even know the first thing about me, it wasn't ever gonna work out" I answered. 

The school day passed quite slowly today, but I headed off to the Slytherin common room after to get in some extra studying.

"Hey Roobs" Draco says and then comes to where Im sitting on the couch. 

"Ah Draco, you heard." I say back. 

"Indeed, cute nickname. In case you couldn't tell I was only joking." He says and then laughs.

"Do you need  anything Draco?"

"Well you see Roobs, since we're going to be seeing each other a lot more often I would like to get to know you better, since I don't really seem to know you from the, outside." He says.

"Interesting. Well what do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Not here darling. Come to my room at 9. See you then." He says and then stands up and leaves. Draco just invited me to his room and said he wants to get to know me better. I have never been so lost. 

It got closer to 9, and I was quite nervous. I didn't know what to say or what was going to happen.

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