Chapter 8- Regina

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I sit in Granny's staring at the empty seat in front of me. Kayla went over to Jessica's house for the next little bit. I actually have to pick her up soon.

"Hello" a man says from beside me.

I turn and look up at him, it was the man I was trying to save.

"Hi" I smile at him.

"I'm Robin Hood" he says holding out his hand.

"Regina, but you already seen to know that" I smile shaking his hand.

He chuckles and says "I would like to take you out."

"Like on a date, or out like knock me out cold?" I ask.

"On a date" he laughs.

"Okay, I'm free tonight" I smile at him.

"Okay then. I'll pick you up at 7" he smiles.

"I haven't told you where I live yet" I smile.

"I know you used to be the mayor, and Snow never kicked you out" he smiles.

"Well someone's done their homework" I smile.

"Yes I have and wear something nice" he smiles and leaves.

I got myself a date.


"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I scream falling back on my bed. Clothes are spread across the room and at the moment, I felt like a teenage girl who was going on her first date.

I hear a knock on the door as Kayla walks in.

"You've been up her for ages looking for something to wear. Now it's time for Kayla Mills to take charge and pick your outfit" Kayla nods and walks to my closet.

"He said something nice, but all my nice things are either to nice or too casual" I say standing up and following my daughter.

"Well I am going to pick a dress for you to wear and then you are going to tell me who this mystery guy is" Kayla says going through all racks of clothes I have.

"His name is Robin Hood" I say sitting back down on the bed.

"You mean the guy that kind of claims he knows you but you don't know him" Kayla says.

"Yeah him. He asked me by the way" I smile.

"How about this?" Kayla asks holding up a right blue dress. It stopped at my knees and the arm length was to my elbows. It had gold of fabric at the top and I remember wearing it once before.

"I like it" I say standing up.

"Yes well you're wearing it. It's nice and isn't to casual, but not too fancy" she smiles.

I take the dress from her and walk into the bathroom. I change and walk out to see her sitting on the bed.

"Match it with a pair of small black heels, and fix up your hair a little and voila! A beautiful outfit for a beautiful mom" Kayla smiles hugging me.

I hug her back and we both walk into the bathroom. I apply some makeup manly focus on my eyes. Kayla picks out a red lipstick and a dark blue eye shadow. I apply little eye shadow and some mascara. I comb out my hair and put it in its usual flare when the doorbell rings.

Kayla jumps off the counter and I apply a little bit more of blush.

I rush out the bathroom and put on the heels Kayla chose and walk out the door. I start to descend the stairs as I hear Kayla talking to Robin.

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