Chapter 34- Regina

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"She seems okay, not a single bruise or scrape" Dr. Wale says as he steps back from Kayla.

"Are you sure it was quite a bad-"

"Mom I'm fine, I got out of the way of the crushing car and Cora didn't hurt me, hurt a little at the time, but in fine now" Kayla smiles at me.

"Hey Xavier, get down from there" Dr. Wale turns to the small child in the room.

"But Daddy I want to play" Xavier giggles as he jumps on the chairs.

"You mother will be here soon so please just sit here and play" Dr. Wale pulls out his iPhone and unlocks it. He hands R to the five year old who takes it with wide eyes and clicks on a game. "So sorry about this all by the way."

"Oh no worries" I blow him off. "I would if done the same."

Kayla jumps up from the bed and walks over towards me. She stands next to me when a nurse bursts the door open. "Dr. Wale it's an emergency."

"I'm on my way. Xavier it's time to go" Dr. Wale says grabbing his son.

We walk out of the room all concerned when a nurse was standing right there outside the door waiting for Xavier. The nurse takes Xavier from Dr. Wale's hands and head to the front lobby and we both turn to go down the hall.

"Kayla go to the front lobby and wait for me there, I'm going to see what's happening" I say to her. She nods and turns to go with the nurse holding Xavier.

"What happened out there?" Dr. Wale asks as we rush down the corridor.

"My mother wanted to pay an unexpected visit" I say taking long strides.

"Hey I know, what happened in here!" He cuts himself off as we enter the main room.

The room was covered with nurses and injured people. People lay and the ground on mattresses and blankets, cuts and scrapes covering their body. I turn and look around at the mad rush as people I've barely seen before stand before my eyes injured because of my mothers doing.

I turn and see Killian being rolled in by a nurse, his arm clinging tightly to his chest and scrapes covering his whole body.

"Killian what happened?!" I scream.

"While you played a little family reunion we all got a visit from out lovely friends the flying monkeys. Busted up the Golds shop in the process" he said as nurses push him to a delegate room to be treated.

I look around at the scene and decide I couldn't take it anymore. I storm out of the building deciding on paying my mother a little trip.

"Kayla c'mon, it's time to play family reunion."


We arrive at the sheriffs office to see Emma rushing off to the hospital. Robin and David were there also standing outside the office.

"I was wondering when you would arrive" David said.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"In the cell inside. We wanted to wait for you to ask any questions" Robin looks at me.

"I'm going in. Kayla stay here with Robin and David, I don't want you coming in" I look at her.

She nods and steps towards Robin. I storm in preparing myself for what was about to happen. I slowly turn the corner and sure enough, there she was, sitting on the metal slab hanging from the wall.

"I was wondering when I would get to see you again" she turns to look at me.

"I had hoped this time would of never came" I state walking closer to the cell.

"We both knew it was inevitable" she smiles the oh so sweet but evil smile. She stands and walks towards the edge of the cell, her chained hands wrapping around the metal bars, "now be a dear and open this door."

"If you think I'm opening that up your out of your mind" I point at the door.

"Well we both know I won't be in here for long, let's just both save each other the trouble and let me out now" she smiles at me.

"I did not come in here to set you free, I came in here to discuss what you told me today" I say walking closer to the cell.

"Ahhh yes, your daughter is very special Regina" she smiles once again.

"I've figured that much out" I scoff.

"Yes but you don't see the whole picture. You don't see the ability she has, how far she can go. What she can do is behind imaginable. You can't see the people working behind your back or the threats that lie in the shadows" she smiles once again.

"The shadows?"

"Hello love, did you miss me?" I hear her sickening voice from behind me.

"Sheila" I growl.

"Yah fun having two evil sisters ain't it" she laughs.

"Two?" I whip around turning to her.

"Isn't it fun, having an evil mother, God I love it, don't you?" She smiles swinging the keys in her hands.

"You were going to marry my son to kill me?" The pieces start to fall into place.

"Well no, we don't want to kill you Regina" she smiles at me, walking towards the cell, "your death will only cause trouble." She smiles now standing in front of the cell.

"Well then I would gladly die" I smile at her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Sheila raise the keys to unlock the cell. I raise my hand with her, ready to pounce at any moment.

"And I wouldn't do that if I were you"
Sheila snaps her fingers. My hands are forced down and I see the handcuffs that used to be on my mother now on my own hands.

"You bitch" I whisper.

"That's so much better" Cora rubs her wrists. Sheila unlocks the cell having Cora walk out.

"You'll never get away with this" I whisper.

"Hunny we already have" Cora smirks as Sheila blows some powder in my face, causing my body to hit the ground in a daze before everything goes black.


"Regina wake up. Regina!" Robin's voice was the first thing I hear as I wake up from my haze.

I sit up bringing a hand to my head as a large pounding had taken over. "What happened?"

"Cora escapes and managed to knock you out in the process" David says standing above me.

"Kayla, where's Kayla?" I ask panicky.

"Don't worry everything's fine, she's with Mary Margret and Neil at their apartment" Robin reassures me.

I bid standing up trying to regain my balance. Robin grabs my arm making sure I'm okay before letting go and stepping back.

"Regina what happened?" David asks me.

"Sheila" I say everything coming back to me, "Sheila happened."


Okay I know it's short but I'm trying to write more now. CHAPTER UP IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!!! WHOS PROUD OF ME!!!!!!!

Anyway I've decided to do a Unknown chapter (even though U know who unknown is) but I have a good idea as a cliff hanger!!!! So keep on reading!


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