Chapter 19- Regina

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This chapter is dedicated to @C_OUAT for all her amazing comments that always put a smile on my face and which makes me want to continue writing this story.


“Robin!” I laugh as he tickles me.

“I’ll only stop if you help me” He laughs.

I think about but then realize I couldn’t handle this much longer.

“Fine fine!” I scream laugh. “I’ll help.”

“Oh crap” Kayla says as she goes bolting towards the forest, away from the lake.

Wondering where I am? Well, at the moment Robin and I took Kayla and Roland to the nearby lake for a picnic and a swim. I want Kayla to warm up to Robin since Roland seems perfectly fine around me. At the moment, Robin wants to throw Kayla into the lake due to the fact that she stole his sandwich, then shoved it in her face and called herself a pig, and that pigs need to eat. I laughed like a maniac and since Robin thought I found it so funny, he wanted to tickle me till I help him throw my own daughter in the lake.

“Come here and let me throw you in the lake!” Robin yells.

“Never in a million years old man!” Kayla laughs.

“Did you just call him old?” I ask very amused.

“Yah and now I’m calling you old. You’re magic is no match for my speed old lady!” Kayla laughs.

“Old Lady!” I shriek.

“Yes! Old lady” Kayla laughs.

“Oh well now it’s personal!” I scream taking off running towards her.

Roland was laughing his head off as he runs and tries to grab Kayla to stop her. He always wants to help his daddy.

“No Roland! Help me!” Kayla shrieks running closer to the forest.

“Daddy first!” Roland laughs trying to catch Kayla.

“That’s my boy!” Robin laughs getting close to Kayla.

Kayla runs behind a tree and bolts the other way, throwing everyone off, except Robin.

“I know your ways little girl!” He laughs.

“Stalker!” Kayla yells behind her shoulder.

“Oh no, I would do the same thing” he laughs.

I look towards him and see a pang of guilt cross his face but he covers it with a laugh and smile. Why would Robin feel guilty? We are having fun and chasing my daughter to try and get her in a lake, why would he feel guilty? Maybe it’s because he thinks that throwing Kayla in the lake will ruin the relationship he is trying to build; but that doesn’t explain why he feels guilty of doing the same thing.

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