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Back to Grian, sorry. Did you like a PoV change? I liked writing Mumbo's PoV and plan on doing more later if you like it.

"Where have you been?!" (Am I the only one who read this in Molly Weasly's voice from the second HP movie?)

"Umm..." In truth I had been up every night in my aviary, learning to fly with Ari and the other pesky bribs. And I had been down in the library every day studying what was wrong with me.

So far I think I'm turning into a Fae. I had all the traits, both physical and personality-wise. I was mischievous, I could talk to animals and I sucked at Redstone. Faeries were always pranksters and they never ate meat because they talked to and were friends with the animals. And they couldn't see the colour red unless it was sentimental to them. Like my sweater, I always wore it, it had been with me through everything, My childhood, YHS, Evo and HC. I had even worn it under my cloak at the Watchers' facility.

And physically, I had the ears of a fae, their reaction to iron and of course, their wings. Fae wings come in all different colours, the flecks of gold and purple were probably because of the Watchers.

Fae also had magic. That was probably why they made me one in the first place. I was already powerful just as a Watcher, but the added magic from being a fae made controlling it so much harder. They were probably hoping that I'd lose control and hurt one of the hermits and leave from guilt or they hoped I'd lose control and let down the barrier that kept them out.

I couldn't tell that to Mumbo. Even if he didn't know what it meant he would definitely tell X and he would know what it meant and kick me off the server. I already considered leaving, if they were after me then if I left it would put the others out of danger. But knowing them they would probably follow me and expose themselves and then the Watchers would get them. Staying here was probably their best bet, at least I could protect them here.

"I was in my base, just working on some... projects."

"Well, then you need to take a break. I've seen the phantoms swarming your base at night. I haven't seen that many phantoms since I woke up in Phantom Hunt and you had six other Hermits you hadn't slept in days!"

"I'm fine Mumbo, I promise. I got to get back to my base now, bye."

"Oh no, you don't. You're going golfing with me, Scar and Iskall."

"Umm no thanks, I really need to get back to work."

"Grian, please, no one has seen you in a week. Just come with me, just one game, it'll be fun!"

"You're not gonna let me say no are you?"

"Not a chance"

"Fine, I'll go."

"Brillant. Let's go!"

"I'll meet you at ConCorp." With that, I ran to the nether portal. I couldn't fly there so I decided to run there with a speed potion through the nether. It wouldn't be as quick or as easy as with my elytra but I would probably still beat Mumbo there.

Iskall's PoV

I was just stocking up Sahara when my communicator went off.

What's wrong with Grian? Group Chat

<MumboJumbo> Guys, I got Grian to agree to a game of golf with the three of us.

<Iskall85> Excellent, be there in 5

<GoodTimesWithScar> Good job Mumbo, I'm on my way.

<MumboJumbo> Meet you guys there.

A couple of minutes later I was flying over ConCorp's golf course. Scar and Mumbo were already there, but Grian was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey guys, where's Grian?"

"I don't know. On his way I guess."

Mumbo pulled out his communicator and started typing what I assumed to be a message to Grian.

"He should be here any second." He said after a few minutes of texting. Sure enough, a few seconds later Grian stumbled out of the nether portal.

"Dude where you been?" I asked.

"Umm, just some projects in my base you know." He seemed very nervous, he kept pulling at the sleeves of his sweater like it was suffocating him and running a hand through his hair. Very sus indeed.

"Well let's get this game going shall we?" Said Scar.

Grian was usually quite good at the game but now he just seemed distracted by something. I also noticed he kept wincing when he held his trident.

We were on hole 5 when Scar decided to start questioning Grian.

"Sooooo Grian, can I see that mark on your neck quickly?"

"Umm, Ok." He turned around and pulled down the collar of his turtleneck to show Scar.

"What does that symbol mean?" I could once again see his mental shields going up.

"It means the idiots who ended my last server are pissed off." He said roughly. I was shocked, Grian wasn't an aggressive hermit, but right now he sounded like he was about to kill somebody.

"Who were they?"

"Just some self-entitled jerks who think they're better than everyone else. Any more questions or are we going to play the game?"

"Just one more."


"About a week and a half ago we all went over to your base to make sure everything was alright. When we got there, there was an invisible force stopping us from entering. So we decided to wait for you in case you knew anything about it. We saw you fall asleep, you couldn't hear us. You started talking in Galactic. I wrote down what you said, here." He handed him the book that he had written the lines in.

I could see Grian physical tense up as he read the book.

"How did you hear me? No one should have been able to hear me." He asked in a low voice.

"We could hear you but you couldn't hear us." He swore quietly in the same language he'd spoken in that night.

"Is this why you invited me to go golfing?" He asked Mumbo who had been sort of just standing off to the side.

"No no." He justified. "I wanted to go golfing with you. Scar just wanted to ask you some questions and asked if he could come. I didn't see anything wrong with that so I said sure."

"Well, I need to go." He bolted for the nether portal, which was weird because he could easily outfly anyone on the server, but he chose to run instead. Very sus indeed.

"Wait. Grian. Wait Up!" Mumbo called after him, but it was futile, Grian was already in the portal.

"Go Mumbo! Go after him! We'll meet you guys at his base!" Shouted Scar, Mumbo nodded and sprinted after the small builder.

Ok, maybe I happened to multi-task and play among us as I wrote. Sorry about the sus puns.

Word Count: 1170

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