XVI (Joe)

944 45 35

A friend of mine read some of this and they didn't get some stuff and it occurred to me that just because I understand something in this doesn't mean everyone else will. So does everything make sense? If you're confused by anything don't be afraid to ask. I'm happy to help.

"I have a bad feeling about this." - Scar

I didn't like the idea of charging headfirst into the woodland mansion either but if it was for Gri's sake then I was going in there.

Xisuma shared his dream and he told us a bit about what it meant. (It's a DD so it's all true) Grian was a Fae. We already guessed as much but that just confirmed what we already suspected.

He was already in the woodland mansion. We also could have guessed that but I was hoping maybe he came to his senses and didn't but no.

He had been captured by the illagers. Again, we all knew this was going to happen but now that we knew he was a Fae we also knew they could probably torture him even more painfully.

And whoever was chasing him wants to destroy the server. Grian was the only thing keeping them out and he was growing weaker and weaker until these things had managed to send spells in, X's codes had done nothing.

Grian was going to try to negotiate with the illagers for their help in defending the server form the entities. There was about a 1 percent chance of that working and if he fails then they would still have him and then they'd keep him locked away somewhere deep in the mansion. They'd also probably perma-kill him after they got bored with him.

"We're his only chance. If you're going to stay here then be my guest. I'm not going to leave my friend to suffer or perma-die in there. Are you coming with me or not?" Mumbo had been crying since Xisuma told us about the dream. He only got better when we started brainstorming ideas to bust him out of there.

"I never said I wasn't going but we should at least stop and plan this out. We won't do him any favours if we get captured too." 

"Scar has a point, Mumbo." He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off. "Let's lay low for a couple of days and come up with a better plan than a full-frontal assault."

"Every hour he's in there is another hour of him being stuck in a living hell!" He was shouting now. Luckily that got X's attention so he came over to see what was going on.

"X, can you please explain to Mumbo why we shouldn't just run unprepared." - Scar

"Mumbo, if we run in like G then we'll get caught with him. Yes, we're his only hope so we shouldn't waste our chance. If we give away that we're trying to get in they'll strengthen their defences and we'll never get close." - Xisuma

"Fine, we'll formulate a plan then we'll go and save him." Mumbo was still clearly upset, Scar came over to comfort him.

"Would you like it if you could see him?" He asked.

"Wait, you can do that?" - Iskall

"I do know some magic, nothing too special but I might be able to pull off a seeing spell. It won't be for long, especially since I'll be trying to see inside the mansion and I don't know exactly where he is, but you could see him for a minute or so before I collapse. Want to try?" - Scar

"Are you crazy? Of course, let's do it. Will you need anything?" Mumbo was one his feet, headed over to the small shulker monster starting to form now that we weren't planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

"Just a few things." He started listing off some stuff that was found pretty easily. The only things we were having trouble with was something important to the person and some of that person. (Like the poly juice potion from Hp, just some hair or something.)

"Would some of his feathers work?" 


Something important to him.

"His elytra?"

"No, we don't even have it here."

"Mumbo's moustache?"

"Actually, that might work."

"Wait what? Why my moustache?"

"Come on, you now he loves stealing that thing. It'll work perfectly!"

"Fine." We gave Scar all the items he asked for and he started arranging everything in a circle with the feathers in the middle. He pulled out a book and started chanting in some other language. Galactic maybe?

A life-sized hologram of Grian appeared in the middle of the circle. Scar already warned us not to break his concentration or go into the circle so he could keep it up for as long as possible. He also told us we couldn't communicate with him in any way, we could only watch.

Grian was on his knees on the ground with his face in his hands. I heard his sobs. His wings were laying limply behind him. There was some noise coming from his end. Someone was speaking to him but it was muffled like they were on the other side of a door.

The hologram faded a couple seconds after it came on. Scar collapsed into X's arms who was waiting for him to pass out. "Woah," He was still awake, barely. "that was harder than I thought." Then he passed out.

Mumbo was the first to speak. "He's not ok. We need to get him out of there soon. We need to be ready with a plan when Scar is good to good."

"Agreed," Iskall spoke up from his spot on the ground in front of where Grian was just sitting.

"So how do you suppose we go about this?" X called out from Scar's bed. 

I sighed. "I'll go get some planning paper and a sharpie."

This one was kinda short but I didn't know what else to do with it.

Also, 355 reads as I write this. What the crap you guys.

Thank you so much for putting up with my poor excuse for a story, I never proofread these. Maybe I'll get around to it when this is all done.

WC: 1050



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