XI (Iskall)

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If it was confusing Grian was shirtless the entire flight and while he was building and when he fell asleep, so when Joe walked in he had just put it on and he hadn't pulled his wings through because takes a minute to get them through without hurting himself.

We waited outside while Joe went in to confront Grian. I heard a thud that sounded like something hit a wall. I also heard what sounded like a conversation but I could make out the words. After a while, Grian walked out with no Joe insight. Once he was in the right spot, Mumbo, Scar and I sprang at Grian.

"What the-." He struggled against three of us while Xisuma caged us in. "So X was the fifth, should have known." He mumbled. Once Suma finished the cage we let go of him, he stood in the middle of a two by two metal cage. X opened the cage by one corner so we could get out. Grian looked desperately at the hole as if debating whether or not he could make it.

"Where's Joe?" - Xisuma

"Oh him, he's inside. I accidentally stabbed his shoulder with a poisoned knife but I treated him once I saw who he was, he'll probably be sleeping to stop the pain." - Grian

"What! I'm going to check on him." -Xisuma

"That's fine but don't try to wake him up, that'll mess up the pain killer I gave him." - Grian

Xisuma ran inside and came out holding an unconscious Joe bridal style, Joe was looking very pale.

"Is he okay?" - Scar

"He'll fine, just don't wake him up or he'll be in a lot of pain for the next hour." - Grian

"What did you do to him?!" - Xisuma

"I thought he was Zucky so I pinned him to a wall with a knife. He must have scraped himself on the edge, it was poisoned." - Grian

"Who is Zucky? You were talking about him in your sleep last week, you acted like a worried friend at first then you acted like he hit you but then you became worried for him and now you're saying you stabbed Joe because you thought he was him! Who is he, Grian?! Has he hurt you?! Is he in danger?! Has this got anything to do with you running away?!" Mumbo demanded, I don't know what I expected but it wasn't for Grian to snap back at him.

"Zucky was my roommate and best friend before I came to Hermitcraft so yes I am worried for him! I was sent a message telling me that he was coming! That message also said he was coming to either kill me or bring me back to the stupid facility!" He clamped his hands over his mouth, he realised he'd said too much.

There was a short pause before I decided to ask.

"Grian," I asked in a calm voice, "what's the facility?"

"That's... calcified information, it's none of your business anyway! Just let me out and I'll be on my way, and no one else will get hurt!" He bashed his arms against the bars but he whimpered in pain, he fell to his knees but just stood up cradling his arms, after that he just stood there and glared at us through the bars. He was really mad now.

"ᔑ∷╎, !¡ʖ, ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ∷ᒷᔑ↸||, ∴ᒷ'∷ᒷ ꖎᒷᔑ⍊╎リ⊣ ╎リ ⎓╎⍊ᒷ, ∴ᔑ╎ℸ ̣ ⎓𝙹∷ ᒲ|| ᓭ╎⊣リᔑꖎ!" (Ari, PB, get ready, we're leaving in five, wait for my signal!) (Yes he taught his birbs Galactic, don't question me) He was calling out in Galactic. Was there someone else here?

We questioned him further but he only replied with short one-sentence answers. The questioning was more us wondering questions out loud and he'd answer them vaguely.

"What happened at the facility?" - "Nothing that concerns you."

"What did you use on Joe?" - "Azazel, but I've already treated it so he'll just sleep through the painful bit."

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