XVIII (Scar)

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Quetta is genderqueer or gender fluid, and because of magic, their psychical gender changes too. If you're referring to them at a certain point then refer to them as whatever gender they're identifying then. If you're referring to them in general then you can use any pronoun or just their name. I don't know what their sexual preference would be but I'm not going to ship them with anyone in this book but feel free to go nuts in the comments if you want.


All I remembered was the pain. That seeing spell only lasted a few seconds and I still collapsed. I'd heard of people who could hold a connection like that for hours at a time before they pass out. Granted they probably weren't trying to see through magical protection and they probably knew exactly where the other person was but I still had a long way to go in the magical world. (Scar is a actual wizard, like in s7 but just in s6.)

I woke up a few times but my vision was blurry and everything sounded muffled like I was underwater. This time I saw the back of Xisuma's helmet clearly. He was talking to someone outside my line of sight, it still sounded weird but I could at least make out what they were saying.

"-no changes yet." - Xisuma

"Hopefully he'll wake up soon, the plans are almost done." I couldn't tell who that was.


"Yeah, just a few things to work out. Like an exit strategy."

I tried to push myself up into a sitting position but Xisuma must've seen me moving because the next thing I know he was pushing me back down.

"Sleep, Scar. You're still very tired."

"I don't need sleep, I need answers."

"To what?"

"Everything. Who was after Grian? Is he okay? What's our plan? What are our chances of getting in and saving him? Small things like that."

X looked at the other hermit that I couldn't see. I heard a door close and reopen. Joe walked into my felid of vision holding, blueprints? He unrolled it and knelt next to me so I could see them.

"Ok, so here's the plan..."

Time skip while Scar gets filled in.

"Ok so, do you think it'll work?" The plan was a good plan assuming we could overpower whoever was probably guarding Grian, assuming we could find him in time and assuming he was stable enough that we could move him. We were assuming a lot but if everything went according to the plan it should work fine.

"Yeah, sounds good. When do we leave?"

"Once you're ready. Don't rush yourself. We can't go until sundown anyway, I'll tell everybody you're up." - Joe

He walked away and I heard a door close. I looked at Xisuma and he sighed, he knew what I was going to ask.

"You know who's after him, don't you." It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

"I have my suspicions. If I tell the others it'll just send them into a panic, if they even know what they are. They've not very well known, they've managed to keep their existence under wraps, somehow. I thought they were only legends told by the older admins to scare the younger ones until I saw that mark on his neck."

"So who are they?" He clearly didn't want to tell me.

"You need to sleep. Get some rest, I'll wake you up before we leave." I was about to protest but he threw a splash potion at me and I drifted back to sleep.

Time skip

We were ready. We were all standing on a flying machine made my the 2 architechs. Iskall was wait to set it off while everyone else was loading the ship with anything that would be useful. Healing potions, extra food, fireworks, amour and weapons. 

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