34. Dates (4/4)

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αѕнтσи: "Babe?" Ash calls you, looking up at you from his phone. You look up from the book you were reading and say, "Yeah, Ash?" He turns off his phone and puts in his pocket. Ashton then gets up from the couch and walks towards you. He grabs your hand, pulling you up from your seat. "Come on, Y/N. We're going on an adventure!" He says. You giggle at the way he had announced what he wanted to do. "What do you mean we're going on an adventure?" You question your boyfriend, raising your brow at him. "Let's go down to the nearby beach and just look around and enjoy the sunset." He explains himself. "Sounds like a plan." You agree, taking his hand in yours. Ashton grabs the car keys and the two of walk out to the car. "Ash stop!" You giggle. You two had arrived at the beach and the both of you were walking along the sand, hand in hand. Ash decided to get a little playful and splashed water at you. You splashed water back at him and he said, "I'm going to get you back Y/N!" You giggled and then started running away. But Ashton having longer legs, he cought up to you. He put his arms around your waist from behind, and kissed your cheek. "We should do this more often babe." He whispers in your ear. "Yeah we should," You sigh, "I love you Ashton." "I love you too babe."

-A/N: Sorry I didn't post it yesterday, Nayeli stayed over at my house after school and well.. we got a little crazy and didn't I didn't write Ashton's. But here it is now. Ik his didn't come out exactly like a date, but eh, whatever.- ✌

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