63. Dealing with Hate From the Fans ~Cake~

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All the hate you have been getting from the suppose "fans" has gotten to you lately. You've tried your best to ignore all the mean tweets they send, but you can't help but read them. The fans had started sending you hate ever since the day they found out you and Luke had officially come out and told everyone one that you were dating. And the thing that's sad is, you guys barley announced it about a week ago. The 'fans' would tweet you things like you're not good enough for Luke and that you'll never make him happy enough. This broke you apart to say the least. In the beginning you thought you weren't good enough to be with Luke, and the fans had just confirmed that you're not. You were sat on your bed, scrolling through the endless mentions on Twitter. You felt the tears sting in your eyes when you saw a tweet telling you to kill yourself. Even if the horrid tweets hurt you when you read them, you still were very tempted to read them. You were too busy reading all the tweets to notice your boyfriend walk into your bedroom. "Hey, babe. What are you doing?" Luke asks, giving your cheek a small kiss. A tear had fallen down your cheek. You immediately wiped the tear off, hoping Luke wouldn't notice. But he did. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks you with concern. Luke sat down across from you on your bed, taking your smaller frame into his arms. You had let your phone drop onto the bed next to Luke, not realizing that the screen was still showing all the tweets on Twitter. He looks down at your phone, pulling away once he saw what you were previously looking at. "Y/N," Luke says with disappointment and sadness in his voice. "Why were you paying attention to this nonsense? Don't pay attention to them." "B-But they're your-your fans. And they're right.. I'm not good enough for you." You choke out. "Don't say that. They're just jealous. They are just hating because I'm in love with you, and not them. For them to be hating on the girl I love shows that they aren't true fans, because my true fans would be happy for me that I've found someone who makes me happy at all times. So don't listen to the bullshit they say." Another tear falls from your eye. "I love you too, Luke." You whisper. Then Luke pulled out his phone, opening Twitter up. He typed something up before tweeting it. Your phone buzzed so you reached out to see what he tweeted. @Luke5SOS: I would very much appreciate it if all of you who are sending hate to @y/t/n, also known as my beautiful girlfriend who i love very much, would stop because it's hurting her and i hate seeing her sad. Grow up and stop these childish games.


Lately the fans have been sending you a whole lot of hate. You didn't know why though, you weren't dating any of the boys. You just hung out a lot with them. All five of you were best friends. You guys always were goofing around whenever you tagged along to one of their shows. Maybe that's why they sent you hate, because they were jealous? You never really paid any attention to the hate from the fans because you weren't the type to care about what anyone else thought of you. You were the type to not give a fuck. That is until you saw a post from a fan saying that you were just a groupie, and you only hung out with the guys to sleep with them. Now that got you. You were definitely not trying to sleep with any of the guys. It got to you because they also were saying that you were trying to get fame from them by always hanging out with them, and that you were just like a tick, bugging them. You started to think about this, and you realized that you actually may be bugging them by always tagging along you every event they have. As you read more, a sad expression had made it's way onto your face. So when Cal came into the room, he immediately noticed. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Calum asks you, a worried face on his features. "Do I bother you guys, like, whenever I tag along to your guy's events?" You ask. "Of course you don't, Y/N. Why do you ask such a dumb question?" You look down at your phone, turning it off so he wouldn't see the screen. He got that as the hint that you were reading hate from fans. "Don't pay any attention to that crap. They don't know the bond we all have with you. They don't see that we enjoy having you around with us all the time. They don't understand that we spend so much time together because we're taking advantage of the time we have before the boys and I head off for tour again. They don't know so don't pay any attention to their stupid ass crap." Cal says, hugging you and leaving a kiss on your head. You whisper a soft "thank you" into Calum's chest, burying your face deeper in. "No problem, babe. You know I'm here for anything."

// and i updated! sorry it's just Cake (for now) it's been a while ppl .. sorry i've been pretty lazy/distracted/busy to update lately but it's summer now! which means more updates :D i also wanted to say thanks for voting :) it means a lot bc it means that you guys enjoy reading our preferences so thank you ❤ i will update hopefully by Monday and hopefully more from then on .. bye :-) //
-Alexis ✌

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