23. You Tell Him You're Pregnant ×Part One×

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×~M U K E~×

Luke: You were completely freaking out over the thought of telling your boyfriend, Luke, that you were pregnant. You kept thinking that he would leave you and your unborn baby to be with the band. I mean, you wouldn't blame him, he's just starting to make it big with his band and telling him that your pregnant can ruin that for him. But you remind yourself that Luke wasn't that type of guy. Then again, you never knew; these negative thoughts kept making their way to your head. You've thought of not telling him that your expecting his child and break up with him before he broke up with you, but you didn't want to hide his own baby from him. So, you sucked up all the courage you had and decided to tell Luke you were expecting his child. He was currently at the studio doing some recording so he wouldn't be back home til' late at night. You picked up your phone and sent him a text.You: Hey Luke. Um when you get home we have to talk.. I have something really important to tell you. Once you hit send, you laid down on the couch. You had gotten unexpectedly very sleepy so you deiced to take a nap for a little while. You were awaken from your nap when your phone had started buzzing. You stood up from the couch and grabbed your phone. You checked the caller I.D. It read, Lukey ❤


"Y/N, are you okay? What is it that you want to talk about?" Luke asked you, concern clear in his voice.

"Um.. Luke it's only 7:30 why are you calling?" You asked, avoiding his question.

"I got your text and got worried so I took off from the studio. Now what is it that you want to talk about?"

"I.. uh.. I have some news for you. But I'll tell you when you get home, okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you when I get there. Love you."

"Yeah, love you too."

Now you were completely going crazy. Within minutes you were going to tell Luke that you were pregnant. You had no clue how in the hell you were going to tell him and you didn't really have much time before he came home and would have to tell him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on your front door. "Here goes nothing." You thought. You opened the door slowly, scared to death.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" Luke asked you as soon as you open the door.

You tensed up at the name he called, 'baby'. "Um.. You may want to come in and have a seat."

"Y/N you're scaring me. What do you need to tell me?" Luke asks, worried.

You both had sat down on the couch when you started to speak. "Luke.. Remember that night you came home from tour and my parents were out of town so you came over and we uh.. had sex?"

"Yeah. How could I forget? You showed me your bad side that night." He smirked.

"Uh yeah.. Anyways, things were really heated remember? So we forgot to use a condom..." You trailed off, hoping he would get what you were trying to say.

"What are you trying to tell me Y/N?"

"Luke I-I'm pre-pregnant." You say, trying to avoid looking him in the eye.

He just sat there, wide eyed, speechless, and nothing was coming out of him. You knew what he was thinking already. He was going to leave you and you would be left alone to raise your guy's baby on your own.

"Luke? Please say something." You pleaded, your eyes filling up with tears as these thoughts raced your mind.

Michael: It was just one night. One night. Why did this have to happen to you? You were at your house, with a positive pregnancy test in your hands. You were freaking out because well, you and Michael weren't together. You guys were just friends who got drunk one night and made a stupid mistake that was having sex with each other. You didn't want to tell him because you were sure he wouldn't help you take on the responsibility of raising a baby, but it wasn't fair to you that you would be the only one taking full responsibility, it was a two person job. The only problem was, you didn't know how to tell him. He has enough responsibility with the band and everything, having a baby wouldn't make it any easier for him. But again, you weren't going to be the only one taking full responsibility. You set the pregnancy test down and grabbed your phone. You searched your contacts list until you found the one you were looking for, Michael ;). With shaky hands, you pressed the green button. "Hello?" You say once he picked up. "Hey, Y/N. What's up?" He says. You weren't going to tell him that you were pregnant with his kid over the phone so you invited him over to your place. "Michael I gotta tell you something very important. Could you come over?" "Uh.. yeah, sure. I'll be over in a little." He says. "Okay, thanks. I'll see you soon." "Alright. Bye." Was the last thing he said before he hung up. You set your phone down and once again grabbed the pregnancy test. "Shit. How in hell did this happen? It was only one night. One drunken night." You whisper to yourself as you look down at your belly, where yours and Michael's baby is growing. You were snapped back into reality when you heard the door bell ring. You sighed, walking to the front door and hesitantly opening the door. You let Michael in and the two of you sat down in the living room.

"So what is it that you need to tell me?" Michael asks you.

"Well it's about that night we got drunk and slept together.." You say, avoiding his eyes.

"Shit Y/N. Don't tell me you're.."

You look up into his eyes and nod slowly, swallowing the lump you had in your throat.

×Will be posting part 2 later on today or maybe tomorrow. Haven't decided. :\ ×

~Alexis~ x

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