42. Going to the Fair ~Cake~

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The local fair was in town and your crush, Luke Hemmings, asked you on a date. He said since the fair was in town, he'd take you there for your first date. Obviously since he was your crush you were beyond excited for this date, especially since you love the fair. So far you and Luke were having the times of your lives. You guys went on the rides, played the games they had, you guys shared a funnel cake together, Luke feeding you making the night romantic. You had mentioned to Luke that you would love to win one of those giant teddy bears, and he won you your teddy bear. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, making the both of you blush. Throughout the time you were spending together, you realized that you may be falling for this blonde blue eyed boy. You two decided to get on the ferris wheel, which to you was the most romantic thing on a date. Luke's features in the moonlight were absolutely amazing, you just wanted to kiss him. During the ride up, Luke took hold of your hand, those blue eyes that made your heart melt every time staring into your y/e/c eyes. You swear you felt like if you and Luke were in a movie scene. As you guys were close to the top of the ferris wheel, he whispered, "I'm falling for you, Y/N. And hard too." Your heart melted at his words. Before you could say anything though, his lips were against yours, moving in a perfect sync.


The fair was finally in town and lucky for you, so was your boyfriend. Cal had just came back from tour when the fair in your town had started. You were super excited because you love going to the fair because of the food and the rides. Calum had promised to take you and you couldn't wait. You still being a child at heart didn't help much. "Y/N! You ready for the fair?" Cal asks you as he walks into your room. "YES!" You shout as you immediately shoot up from your seat. He chuckles at your excitement and the both of you head out the door. When you got to the fair, the first thing you did was go straight to the bumper cars. The line was pretty long and you hated waiting, but you really wanted to get on the bumper cars so you waited. Once it was finally your turn, you got into the car and you were ready to kick Calum's ass. The music started to play in the background, letting you know the ride was going to start. You hit your boyfriend's car, making you giggle and him to send a glare. You turned around and tried to speed away from him, but he bumped right into your car. You guys spent the whole time bumping each other and laughing as hard as you possibly could. This is why you two went perfectly together - you two were children at heart.

// A/N: Nayeli's going to finish Mashton later so it's just Cake for now.. 😐 Cal's kinda sucked ik.. 😕😳 sorry.. as i said im losing inspiration and im focusing more on my Luke fanfic 👀👽 //

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