79. You Get Jealous

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It was just another day shopping with your boyfriend, Luke. You guys had to run to the store and grab a few items. As soon as you grabbed whatever you needed, you headed to the checkout. The cashier was a girl who couldn't keep her eyes off of Luke. You immediately noticed that she was staring at him and trying to act all flirtatious with him. She was batting her eyelashes at him and doing the whole innocent act. You rolled your eyes, jealously rushing through your veins. You weren't going to let her continue trying to flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you. Lucky for you, you guys happen to be at one of those drug stores where they have items lingering around. You smirked to yourself as an idea occurred to you.

"Babe, don't forget the condoms. We have a busy night ahead of us." You somewhat whisper to Luke, letting that girl know he's yours. And only yours.

You look up to see the cashier, a smirk planted on your lips.

"We'll take a few condoms, please." You smile as the girl stares at you and rolls her eyes.

Once your all ringed up, you shoot her a smirk. "Thank you."

She just gives you a dirty look, making you smirk again.

"What was that?" Luke asks as you walk to your car.

"She was totally flirting with you. I was just letting her know you're mine. And that we're very serious." You give him a sweet, innocent smile.

He chuckles, "You bought condoms because you were jealous?"

"Not only because of that."

"What do you mean?"

"Obviously if I got condoms it's to use them, right?"

"We're going to use them?"

"You're so innocent, Lucas. You'll find out when we get home." You smirk, leaving a kiss on his lips before getting into the car.

It was late Friday night, and you were home alone. Calum had gone out with some friends earlier, leaving you alone in your guy's apartment. Lately he has been going out a lot. At first you didn't mind that he would go out with his friends and enjoy his free time. But after a while, you just started to miss him and wanted him to stay home with you and enjoy the time you two had. You were hoping that he would realize that he has been spending less time with you and more time with his friends, but he was oblivious. He just partied and partied, coming home at late hours. You checked your phone to see what time it was. You sighed when you saw that it was 2 in the morning. Just as you were going to head into your bedroom, you heard the door start to open. A few moments later, the door opened and in came a Calum.

"Y/N, what are doing awake?" He asks when he sees you.

"Waiting for my boyfriend to come home so we can spend sometime together. But seems like he prefers partying." You coldly state. You were tired of his coming home late and you were going to do something about it.

"What do you mean? I thought you didn't mind if I went out."

"I didn't at first. But when it becomes a daily thing, I mind. You hardly spend anytime with me because we're both always busy, and when we have time, you go out with your friends. And you don't come home until late hours. Your freaking friends spend more time with you then I get to."

"Are you jealous?" He asks. You can't tell if he's mad or what. He then walks over to you, placing his hands on your waist, pulling you into him.

"What if I am?" You say, staring into his big chocolate colored eyes.

"If you are, I can show you a way to make you feel better." Calum whispers, his lips trailing down your neck.

You try to control yourself so that you won't let out a moan, but he comes across your sweet spot and you couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I promise that I'll stay home with you and enjoy you. I'll be here with you and we can do whatever you want."

"Why in the hell was she trying to sit next to you? God she couldn't stop drooling over you." You roll your eyes, annoyance clear in your voice.

"Babe, calm down." Michael says, taking your hand in his.

"How can I when the school whore was trying to hit on you. I was right there!"

Michael and you had just finished class. During class, though, the school whore was practically trying to jump into Michael's pants right in front of you. She well knew that you two were together, but yet there she was doing the thing that got her the name school whore. It irritated you that she was doing that and it made you jealous. You knew Michael wouldn't give her the time of day, but it still bothered you that she was there always trying to be near Michael. You were relieved when the bell rung and Michael walked over to you. The two of you walked out of class together and as you did, you could feel her cold stare behind your back.

"Don't worry about her. I only have eye for you. I'd never give her the time of day. I love you and only you. So don't get jealous over that whore. You shouldn't get upset just because of her." Michael says, stopping in front of your locker.

The school whore was in the hallway by your locker standing with her group of friends, staring at you and Michael.

"I love you too, Mikey." You smile, feeling much better.

He pulls you into him, leaning down so he could reach your lips. He starts to lean in and you get on your tippy toes so that you can reach his lips. Once your lips touch, he gives you a passionate kiss leaving you in awe. You heard a scoff coming from a few feet away, and you smirk because you knew who it came from.

"That should show her that I'm yours." Mikey says as he takes your hand in his again.

You felt yourself blush at his words, a smile spreading on your lips.

"So you're going out with Lynn tonight?" You ask your friend, Ashton.

"Yeah. She seems pretty nice." He answers, setting down his drum sticks.

You admit, you were pretty jealous of Lynn. She was the one that was going to go with Ashton tonight, not you.

"You like her?" You ask, hoping he wouldn't say yes.

"Kinda. She's really pretty, nice, and isn't stuck up."

Those words stung. You were hoping he wouldn't say he did. You were hoping that he'd say just as a friend. But he didn't. He liked her. At least a little. Once again you got jealous. Jealous that Lynn was the one Ashton liked and not you. Jealous that she had a chance with him unlike you who couldn't even tell him that you liked him.

"O-Oh. That's nice." You say, trying to sound hurt.

He smiles one of those smiles. And that's when you knew he really did like this girl. Once again you felt jealousy. You tried to ignore it, though it was hard.

You were happy that he found someone. Even though it wasn't you. At least he was going to be happy. You'd just have to forget about him and move on. You knew that someone would come along if you didn't tell him how you felt, but yet you never had the courage to tell him. And now, there's this girl that he likes. It crushes you, yes, but you'll just have to forget about your feelings towards him. It won't be easy, but you just have to try.

// 4/4 at last! 😪 soo about updates.. im going to update, but they'll probably be like blurbs or small updates. the reason for this is because im going to wait until i buy my laptop because honestly, i get tired of writing on my phone. so when i get my laptop, it'll be better for me to write and that way i can update regular sized preferences. it'll be this way for at least 2 weeks. but at least i'll still update. 😅 bye for now. ✌🏼//
~Alexis 🤘🏼

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