26. You're Best Friends and the Fans Ship You ~Cake~

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Luke: You and your best friend, Luke, had decided to do a cover of "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran together since the fans heard you had an amazing voice and they've been tweeting non-stop about the two of you doing a duet. You were kinda scared at first to do the duet because you knew the fans were expecting so much, but then Luke reassured you would do a great job and the fans were going to love it. Once Luke and you uploaded the video, the fans instantly went crazy. Your twitter mentions were full of tweets about your's and Luke's duet. As you were scrolling down your mentions, you noticed that some of the fans were starting to ship the both of you. You thought that they were crazy for shipping the two of you because you never really thought of being more than just best friends with Luke. But as you were starting to see the pictures of the both of you together that the fans were tweeting with captions like, "Don't they look like a couple already?! @y/t/n and @Luke5SOS make it official!", you started to see that you guys did act like a couple. You shook your head and were about to tweet a thank you to the fans for all the positive comments when you noticed that Luke had just tweeted. "Hey @y/t/n, the fans ship us. I ship us. Do you ship us? ;)" Read the tweet. Your eyes widen as you read his tweet. And of course, the fans went wild over this. "@Luke5SOS, maybe I do ship us.. ;)" You tweet. Okay, maybe there has been times where you saw Luke and yourself as more than just best friends, but you've always pushed that away because you thought that Luke would never have eyes for you in a different way. You were proven wrong with this tweet. "So what do you say @y/t/n, you wanna make the fan's wishes come true and maybe be my girlfriend?" He tweeted back. Was he really doing this on Twitter? "I would love to be your girlfriend. :)" You tweet and then your phone starts to ring. "Hey girlfriend." Luke says once you answer. You could literally just imagine his cheeky smile on the other line. "Hi boyfriend." You giggle. "Thank god for the fans." You mentally thanked the fans.

Calum: You and your best friend, Calum, were currently at a park. You two decided it was time the both of you went out and get some fresh air, so you guys came to a park to play some soccer (football). You guys were playing a one-on-one and things were getting pretty competitive. When you were about to kick the ball into the goal, Calum ran up to you and picked you up and started running away with you. "Cal, what the hell?! Put me down!" You giggled, hitting his back playfully. "Nope. I will not put you down until you say I am much cooler than you." He says, chuckling. "Really Calum?" "Yes. Now say it or you aren't coming down." You were thinking about protesting but you knew your best friend well enough to know he wouldn't put you down. "Fine," You say as you take in a deep breath, "Calum you are much cooler than me. There happy?" You say the first part fast. He was about to set you down before he said, "You know what? I didn't hear what you said. Can you repeat it again?" You rolled your eyes and repeated it again, but this time slower. Cal then put you down and as soon as he did, some fans had walked over to the both of you. "Oh my god! Hi! Uh-Uh can we take a picture with the both of you?" The two girls asked. You were confused because the fans wanted to take a picture with the both of you instead of just with Calum. You didn't want to sound rude but you had to ask, "Why do you guys want me to be in the picture?" "Because you're Calum's girlfriend!" One of them says. "Oh we uh we aren't dating." Calum says. "Yeah. We aren't dating." You agree. "You aren't?! You guys totally seem like a couple." The girl says. "You two would such an adorable couple. I ship the both of you." The other girl says. You just stand there, your cheeks turning a light red. Cal chuckles at the comment and takes a picture with the two fans. "Thanks!" They both say as they walk off. "Well that was a bit awkward." Cal chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. ''Yeah that was." "Do you ever think about you and me dating?" He asks you and your eyes widen. "Um.. Sometimes." You mumble looking down at the grass. "Me too. How bout we go on a date?" You look up at him and nod, you speechless to say anything.

A/N: I'll do Mike's and Ash's later. We went back to school today and I just want to watch PLL right now. ✌


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