71. Rock 'n' Roll High School ~ Ramones

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//This is like an imagine based on a song. So no one is dating anyone. And the theme is like living back then not in our decade. And it's in first person p.o.v. I'm not sure, but I hope you like.//

"Well I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
I hate the teachers and principal
Don't wanna be no fool
Crusin' around in my GTO"

I was sitting in history class completely bored out of my mind. I hated this class. There's no point in me taking this class, any classes in that matter. There's no point because I'm not leaning towards graduating high school and attending college in the fall for an extra four years. That's just not where I wanna to be. I want to be out and about, crusin' in Michael's GTO with the rest of the gang. And that's just what we always do because we feel like no one wants us around. They treat us like outcasts. But maybe we are. I raised my hand and asked for the hall pass. The teacher was hesitant about letting me go since I've had my fair share of times where I'd taken advantage of the pass. Lucky for me, the teacher gives the damn pass away like nothing. I quickly took the pass and walked down the empty hallway, hitting the lockers with the pass as I walked along. My destination wasn't the bathroom, obviously. It was Luke's and Calum's class. Once I reached their class, I stuck my head through the little window on the door. We have the secret knock we knock when we want to grab the other's attention. We duck down once we knock it so no one will see us then wait a little and pop back up. That can tell you how much we do this, sneak out of class. I was able to grab Luke's attention, him giving Calum a small nudge so he can look over at me. I gave them our smoking signal, letting them know to meet me at our smoking spot. They nod and turn back to the teacher, raising their hands. I took that as my queue to leave and go grab Mike and Ash. Michael and Ashton had the same class together as well as Luke and Cal. I had done what I did when I went to grab the other two. After I was done, I left to our smoking spot. Luke and Calum were already there, standing against a tree looking cool with their leather jackets on and jeans, and the cigarette hanging from their mouths. Their hi-tops and sunglasses adding to their bad boy looks. Then came along Mike and Ash. Now the school's bad boys were together, smoking outside with me. The outcasts. That's what we were known as. And that's what we will be known as. But in a way I'm okay with that because we're cool in that way. "So, why'd you want us to come out here?" Luke asks, blowing out smoke rings towards the sky. I took a hit form my cigarette, letting it out. "Let's go take a ride in Mike's car. Just cruise along the highway." It was pretty normal for us to ditch school and cruise in Mike's GTO. We do it a lot, in fact, because of the damn teachers. They get us so annoyed and angry, and make us feel like shit. The principal doesn't help. Then they all are up our asses, making us try in their classes. They treat us like nobody's, then they want us to try just because it's going to affect their fucking paycheck. "Let's go. I can use some driving." Michael says, finishing off his smoke. We all finish ours, following Mike to his car. We all jump in, and take off from the school parking lot and drive off to the highway. We turn up the radio loud, rolling down the windows, and enjoying the rest of our afternoon driving and listening to the best on the radio. We were getting lost and being the outcasts we are.

// i was in the mood to write, but living in another decade. And this is what i came up with. The song listed is what i used as a reference so i listed the lyrics i used they aren't listed as the song goes tho

Imagine 5SOS as bad boys back in the 50s or the 80s. 😎😏😍😭💦 (Those are the decades i wanna go back to and when the bad boys were 🔥🔥😏)

This was mainly inspired by the Ramones bc i was listening to them this week so far and wow.. 😯 i just felt like going back to those times..

One last thing.. Happy 21st Birthday to Ashton!! 😄🎉🎂❤️ Man he's growing so fast 😢 they all are 😱😭😭

Soooo sorry for the really long ass a/n ... 😬 much love though ✨💛//

~Alexis ✌🏽

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