29. ~Luke Imagine~

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You had felt as if yours and Luke's relationship was going downhill because of the fact that he was touring and you guys hardly ever got to see each other. You had been trying to do everything you could to try and save your relationship with Luke because you actually really did love him. At this point, you were completely stressing out. You were so scared that your relationship was going to end and you couldn't do anything to save it. You were in your bedroom, sitting on the floor, your back against your bed and your knees held to your chest. The same thought was running inside your head, over and over again as if it was a song put on replay. The idea of you and Luke breaking up was just too painful, so painful that at this point you had started to ball your eyes out. You needed to have some reassurance that you guys would be okay so you grabbed your phone from your bed and opened up your messages. You found yours and Luke's conversation and clicked on it.

To: Luke

"Luke I need to hear from you that our relationship will be okay and that we aren't going to end up breaking up because I wouldn't be able to let you go. I love too much to just let you go."

You hit send and put your phone back on the top of your bed. You weren't expecting Luke to read your text so quickly considering the fact that he was currently touring. All of a sudden your phone had started ringing and your head shot up, you frowning as to who would be calling you at 2 in the morning. You got up from where you were sitting and went to check your phone. You were completely shocked when you saw the Caller I.D. It read, "Luke".

"Hello?" You answered, sniffling a little.

"Y/N.. Baby are you okay? Why are you having these thoughts about our relationship?" He says to you, his voice full of concern.

You can imagine the huge frown he has on his face at this very moment. There was silence on your end of the line for a few moments.

"Y/N? Are you still there? Come on babe, talk to me. I'm right here Y/N. Just talk to me, please." Luke says with such a soft voice that's full of worry.

"Luke it's just that.. well it seems as if our relationship is going downhill. I mean we hardly get to see each other anymore because you're always touring. It's hard to keep our relationship going if you aren't here. I miss you like crazy every single day Luke! And I literally cry myself to sleep every night, just wishing that you could come home and just be with me. I'm scared that you're going to find another girl who's better than me and then dump me. I'm scared that our relationship is going to go downhill and we're going to end up breaking up. There's so many ways that we can end up breaking because of the fact that you are touring. I just need you here with me. That's all I want." You say, a few hiccups escaping your mouth as you spoke.

There once again was a few moments of silence. "Y/N.. I know that it's hard. Very hard. Believe me, it's hard being away from you for me too. I sometimes cry at night when I'm away as well. But Y/N.. We're strong and I know we'll be fine. During summer you can come with me on tour and we'll get to be with each other every single day. Only a couple more weeks and you can join me on tour baby girl. And after that, we'll be perfectly fine." He finally speaks. You can hear how hurt he is and that broke your heart even more.

"You really mean it? I can go on tour with you during summer?" You say, becoming happy just by the thought of you going on tour with Luke.

"Of course I mean it princess. We'll be together before you know it. Now please stop crying and stop worrying because we're going to be fine." His words made you feel better and the worry started to fade away slowly.

"I love you so much Luke." You whisper.

"I love you so much as well Y/N."

~A few weeks later~

"Luke!" You yell as you run over to him. You were currently at the airport. You had just flown out to meet Luke like you guys had planned.

"Y/N! Baby, I missed you so fucking much." Luke breathed out as he hugged you tightly.

"I missed you too babe. It's good to finally be in your arms again." I whispered as you take a deep breath, inhaling Luke's smell; the thing you've missed for so long. You felt tears at the brim of your eyes and a sniffle escaped from you.

"Y/N, baby what's wrong?" Luke asks, him confused.

"It's just that I missed you like crazy and it's good to finally be with you again."

"Aw, babe don't cry. We're together now and we're going to be together the whole summer." He says as he kisses you. You kiss him back, the kiss being passionate. You heard the other people in the airport cheer and awe from all around you and you giggle into the kiss. Once you both pulled away, you could feel your cheeks burn. Luke grabbed your suitcase with one hand and intertwined his other hand with yours and you two left the airport to spend some much missed time together.

×A/N: idk just started writing and this is the result :/ .. vote/comment/follow?×
~Alexis~ ✌

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