75. Lost ~Cake~

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You and Luke had decided to walk around and explore New York City together since you had the opportunity to. The guys had some business to attend here in the big city, and had to fly over here. Lucky for you, they offered for you to come with them. Of course you didn't deny the offer and accepted. It was a chance for you to spend time with Luke now that you hardly see him due to the tour. So here you two were, exploring NYC, and enjoying each other. You guys have been walking around for quite some time now, not really knowing where you were. All you knew is that there was a lot of people around walking as well. Luke and you just decided to walk and take a look around, not going that far from the hotel they were staying at so you wouldn't end up getting lost. But all the attractions around you excited the both of you which lead to you going here and there. With time, you have gone who knows where and the both were currently lost. You were trying to retrace your steps hoping that you would remember and get back to the hotel, but that made it worse. None of you could exactly remember where you had been so you guys were just going here and there, not really where you had been. That made it worse because now you were further away, deeper into the city.

"Oh god. I can't believe we're lost." You say, running your hand through your hair. A smile then grew onto your face.

"That's what we get for not listening and wondering off," Luke chuckles, "Why don't we ask for directions back to the hotel?"

"That's what I told you earlier, Lucas. But no someone thought he could figure it out on his own." You laugh remembering how stubborn Luke got when you told him to ask for directions back to the hotel.

Once you realized that the two of you were lost, you told Luke to ask someone for help. He had protested, insisting that he remembered the way back to the hotel. Now look where the two of you ended up. More lost than ever.

"I thought I remembered the path we took. But I guess New York City is bigger than I thought." He pouts.

You giggle at your boyfriend. "It's okay, Lukey. We'll just ask someone for help and we'll get back to the nice, warm hotel where we can cuddle. Because all this walking has gotten me tired."

Luke laughs, putting an arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. "God I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Luke." You smile, nuzzling your head into his chest. "Now let's go ask for help."


"Give mommy your hand, Aiden." You tell your son.

"Why?" He asks.

He's reached that stage where he asks why for everything. He's only three so he wouldn't really understand any explanation you give him, but you do anyways.

"Because if you don't you can get lost. You don't want to get lost do you?" Your husband, Calum, explains to your son.

Your little boy shakes his head.

"Okay so give mommy your hand for daddy, please." He smiles.

"Okay." He says, reaching for your hand.

Then the two of you start to walk around Target to look for the things you came to get. Coming across the electronics aisle, Aiden spotted the toy section. Like every other little boy, he wanted to go look at the toys. He was tugging at your hand non-stop, wanting you to take him to the toy aisle. There was this toy that he spotted and now he was determined to go get it. You and Calum were currently talking someone who works there about a problem you had encountered with the new camera you had just purchased. So you couldn't go over with Aiden to the toys just yet. He was starting to get fussy and more irritated by the minute.

"Aiden, we'll go over to the toys right now. You just have to wait for a little bit." You try to calm him down.

He just pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Your son was just like his dad. You returned your attention to the person, listening to him explain what was wrong with the camera. A few minutes later you guys were set to go and ready to take Aiden to the toys. You looked down by your leg, where he had been standing, but he wasn't there anymore. This panic rose in you when you saw that Aiden wasn't there anymore.

"Cal, w-where's Aiden?" You ask.

"What do you mean? I thought he was right here with you."

"He was, but he isn't here anymore."

The panic soon rose more and more. Where could have he gone? He's just a little boy lost in a store all by himself.

"It's okay, babe. We'll find him. He's a smart little boy just like his mommy." He reassures you.

You take a deep breath and let it out. Then you knew exactly where he had gone to. You walk over across to the side where the toy that Aiden wanted was. And sure enough he was on the floor, playing with a small bass guitar. You ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"You scared me."

"Don't scare mommy like that, buddy. Now let's buy you this bass so daddy can show you how to play." Cal grins, obviously proud that his little boy had picked up a bass guitar.

// imagine Calum as a dad. :o okay i gave myself the feels. it's just a Cake update for now. but don't worry, more updates to come. :) i'll be back with more later ;) lol //
-Alexis (;

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