62. "Just Friends" ~Muke~

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You and Luke were close friends. And by close, I mean very close. Not like brother-sister close, more like boyfriend-girlfriend kinda close. You two are always spending time together, goofing off and just enjoying each other. You guys tell each other everything, from little things like what you were going to do that day, to some of your biggest secrets you have never told anyone. You two were kinda like a couple, holding hands occasionally, and giving each other hugs at random times. Many have seen this closeness, mistaking you guys as a couple. But you guys are just friends, nothing more but friends. You admit that there were times where you saw Luke more than just a friend, but you knew he didn't see the same way. You thought to yourself that there was the possibility of him feeling the same way, but you shook those thoughts away, not wanting a heartbreak. You knew you'll never be more than just friends.

"Just friends." That's what the two of you agreed to be. Just friends. You knew this from the very beginning, and you thought that no feelings would be developed throughout the time the two of you had your little fun together. Oh but were you wrong. Throughout the time the two of you had your fun, you somewhat developed feelings for Michael. You told yourself that you couldn't fall for him because you both had agreed to being friends with benefits, no strings attached. You both weren't ready for the title; neither if you wanted the whole boyfriend girlfriend title. But here you are now, stuck feeling something for the boy you said you wouldn't fall for. We're just friends we can only be just friends, you have to keep reminding yourself every time you're near Michael.

// it's just a kitten and penguin update today 🐱🐧 i'll try and update again tonight 🌙 until then so long ✌🏽//

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