2. He Asks You Out on an Official First Date ~Cake~

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Luke: You and Luke, the boy you met the other day at work, have been talking for a while now and you both have a lot of things in common. You guys talk on the phone and text each other like 24/7. You guys talk about anything really and it feels like you've known each other since forever. You had kind of developed a slight crush on him and you've been dying for him to ask you out on a date. You were scared that maybe he didn't feel anything towards you and maybe that's why he hasn't asked you on a date yet. Your phone buzzed signalling you had a text. You smiled once you read from who it was. Luke:"Hey Y/N are you gonna be busy this afternoon?" "Actually I'm free this afternoon. Why?" You replied. A few seconds later, Luke replied. "Ok great. Can I come over later? I have something important to ask you." You were curious on what Luke wanted to ask you that he was coming over to your house. He's been to your house a couple of times before, so that wasn't something new but him coming over to ask you something was unusual. "Yeah you can. What time do you think you'll be over?" You replied. "Like in an hour." Since you had an hour until he was coming over, you decided that you were going to make yourself look pretty for Luke. You decided to curl your hair and just put on some mascara. You checked your iPhone and saw that you had about 20 more minutes until Luke would arrive at your house. So to make time pass by, you decided to change your outfit. Once you had finally changed your outfit, the door bell rang. "Right on time." You thought. Before heading downstairs, you checked yourself once more. "Hmm I look presentable." You thought looking at yourself touching up your hair. "Hey there cutie." Luke said smiling at you as you opened the front door. "Hi." You smiled back at him blushing a little. He gave a hug before letting him into your home. "So what was it you wanted to ask me that's so important?" You asked him once you both had sat down on the couch. "Well I wanted to know if maybe you.. uh maybe .. you know wanted to .. go out on a date with me this Friday night." He said a little nervous and rushing the last part. Once he had asked you, you were literally freaking out on the inside but you kept it cool on the outside. "Yeah I would love to. But can I ask you something?" "Whew. I was scared you weren't going to say yes. And yeah what's your question?" You giggled a little before asking, "Why didn't you just ask me over the phone?" He was blushing a bit by the question you had asked. "Well.. I-I.. I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to do it like everyone does it now a days." You giggled at his adorableness and said, "Aww. Luke you're so cute." Your comment made him blush even more.

Calum: Calum and you have been talking for about 2 weeks now and you both have a lot in common. You guys talk for hours and never have an awkward silence between the both of you. There's always something to talk about with him and you guys are yourselves around each other and you don't have to pretend to be someone you aren't. And because of those little things, you developed a crush on him. You were worried sick that he didn't like you in the way you liked him because it's been two weeks since you met and he hasn't asked you on an official date yet. You have hung out a couple of times but it never was an official date. Your phone started ringing so you walked to your bed and checked the caller I.D. It was Calum. You smiled to yourself before answering the call. "Hello?" "Hey Y/N!" Calum answered excitement in his tone. "Hi Cal. What's up?" "I was wondering if you were going to be home right now and if you have any plans for later?" He asked you. "Yeah I have no plans for today. Why?" "Ok good! I'll be there in 15 minutes. Is that okay?" When he told he was coming over, you grew a smile on your face. "Ok. I'll see you in 15." "Bye Y/N. See you soon." As soon as the call ended, you ran to your closet to look for another outfit to change into. Once you had changed, you went to your bathroom to touch up your hair and make-up. As soon as you finished the you heard a knock on the door. You did a quick mirror check before walking downstairs to open the door for Calum. "Hey." "Hi." You greeted each other and then gave each other a hug. "You wanna come in?" You asked Calum even though the answer was obvious. "Actually, I want to ask you something." "Oh ok. What do you want to ask me?" You had a little hope inside of you that he was going to ask you on a date. "Do you want to.. go out on a date? Like right now?" "Yeah!" You literally wanted to jump up and down from the happiness you had but you kept it cool, surprisingly. "Sorry it's so short notice. I just .. got this confidence in me and I dunno drove here to ask you out." Calum told you, smiling shyly at the ground. You giggled a little and then said, "Your so adorable Cal."

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