72. You Hear Him Talk About His Feelings For You

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You were invited over to Luke's house to hang out with guys during their break. Once you got to his house Liz gladly let you into the house. "They're upstairs in Luke's room. Go on up." She smiles. "Thank you, Liz." You say, heading up the stairs to Luke's room. As you were heading up the stairs, you heard your name being mentioned. The door to his room was a crack bit open so they couldn't see you walking up the stairs. That also gave you the opportunity to hear what the boys were saying about you.

"When is Y/N getting here?" Ashton asks.

"She should be here any minute." Luke informs him.

"When are you gonna tell her?" Michael asks Luke, pausing the video game he was playing.

Tell me what? Did he do something? Did I do something to upset him? You questioned yourself as Luke had gotten quiet and was kinda nervous.

"I dunno." Luke responds quietly.

"Y'know you're going to have to tell her. Your feelings for her are only going to continue to grow." Ashton says.

"I don't think my feelings can grow anymore than they have already." He admits.

You couldn't believe what you just heard Luke confess. You guys have been best friends since you two were little kids. The both of you had this special bond that you didn't want to ruin if you were to ever tell Luke that you might haven fallen in love with him. It was too risky so you never said anything to anyone.

"She's so beautiful, smart, funny, amazing to be around with. She's just simply the best, and I think I may be falling in love with Y/N."

This was something you never thought you would ever here your own best friend say. He too was falling in love with you just the same way you were falling for him.


Calum Hood. He was an absolute jerk. At least he was one with you. To his advantage he was close friends with your brother so he was constantly over at your house. And the worse part of all, you just had to develop a small crush on Calum Hood. You hated the fact that you developed a crush on him. You hated the fact that instead of you hating him because of the asshole he is to you, you still had to develop this stupid crush on him. Tonight was one of those nights were he'd spend the night at your house. Your brother and Calum were upstairs in his room like always. Your mom had just finished making dinner and sent you to go get them. You didn't want to because you'd have to see him, but you did as you were told. When you got to your bother's door you heard them say your name.

"Even though Y/N is my sister, I think you should stop acting that way with her and tell her how you feel." Your brother says.

"But acting like that helps keep her away. I don't want to fall for her and for her not to feel the same way." Calum confesses.

You were shocked that Calum has feelings for you. The whole time he just acted like a jerk because he has feelings for you and didn't want to get close to you so he wouldn't get hurt.


You and the four idiots were hanging out at Michael's house playing video games and earring pizza. It was a lazy afternoon so all of you decided to stay in and do the usual lazy day routine. Currently on the TV was Franklin, from GTA 5, throwing grenades at people. Since you were the one playing and didn't want to pass the current mission, you decided to have fun with the police. "Here you take over." You say, handing Michael the control. "What you can't handle the cops?" He chuckles. "I'm capable of cleaning up the mess I created with the authorities. I just have to use the restroom. I'll be right back." You say standing up. "Alright." Mikey chuckles. When you were done using the the restroom, you headed back to the man cave. As you were walking in, you heard the guys whispering. You knew if you walked in they'd stop talking so you stood there so you could listen.

"God she's perfect. She loves video games as much as me, she's freaking hilarious without trying, and she's hot." You hear Michael say.

"Just ask Y/N out already, mate." Luke says.

Michael thought all that about you. The guy that you had a helpless crush on said that about you.


Ashton had invited you over to his house to have a BBQ and have a pool day. Luke, Michael, and Calum were coming over as well so you agreed to go as well. When you got there, Luke and Calum were inside the pool, Ash and Mike by the grill. You asked them if they needed anything and they asked for some plates. You went inside the house to grab the plates they asked for then went back out to the backyard. Ashton and Michael had their backs to you so they didn't notice you were back.

"I can't do it anymore. She's so wonderful and pretty. I don't know what to do anymore." Ashton tells Mike.

"Bro, she's got a boyfriend. You have to forget about Y/N."

"I know, but I can't."

You couldn't believe that Ashton had feelings for you now that you have a boyfriend. Once you were finally able to forget about him and be in a happy relationship with someone else is when you find out that Ashton felt something for you.

// there possibly will be a part two :-) //
~Alexis c:

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