80. "If You Want.."

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"If you want to then I guess that's what we'll do." You say, trying to fight back the tears that were stinging your eyes.

"You know it's not what I want, Y/N. It's definitely not what I want to do because I love you. But it's for the best." Luke says, tears in his eyes as well.

You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out. Nothing came out. You were just in too much shock and disappointment took over you. You didn't want to accept the fact that you and Luke were no longer. But even if you didn't want to accept it, you had to. It was the truth. The one thing you never thought would happen, just happened. It broke you. Of course it did, Luke meant everything to you. You never thought that anything could happen between the two of you. You fell deeply in love with Luke Robert Hemmings. And he fell as deeply in love with you as you did with him. The love you two have for each other is unbreakable. At least it was. It never seemed like anything would be able to break you both, but there was something. And it did you both a lot of harm. Neither of you wanted to let it happen, but it did. You knew it was a risk that could happen, but again neither of you thought that anything would be able to break you two apart. I guess you can say distance can get in the way of any relationship. It sure did get in the way of your guy's relationship.


"Babe, do you want to go to Kyle's party?" You ask Calum who's currently sitting at his desk with a notepad in hand.

"If you want." He shrugs, not looking up at you.

He's been distant with you the past couple of days. You didn't want to ask him about it because you thought it was just concentration on song writing. But it's probably more than just that. There may be something bugging him. He usually goes out with you or at least he wants to unlike now that he barely gave you any of his attention. He was more quiet than he usually is. You figured that you might as well ask him now before he shuts you down completely.

"Cal, is there something bothering you?" You ask, taking a seat next to him.

He glances up at you from the notepad, then returning to his writing. "No. Why do you ask?"

"You seem more distant and more quiet than usual. Like if there's something bothering you. You know you can tell me what's wrong."

Calum sighs, setting his notepad aside, and turning to face you. "It's not that there's something bothering me. There's just so much going on in my life right now, and sometimes I just feel like if I need a break to catch up with everything that's happening around me. It feels like there's a million things happening at once, and I barely have the time to take in everything. Sometimes I don't even have time for myself, you know? And with everything happening, there's all these things running through my head as well."

You knew what he meant. He does have a lot on his plate and sometimes hardly ever has time for himself. He has a very active mind, even though he may seem quite and sometimes doesn't talk as much. Inside that head of his, is a whole other universe full of these thoughts and questions and ideas. That's something you love about him.

"We can stay in tonight and just watch a movie or something. Let that busy mind of yours rest a bit." You say, standing up and grabbing Cal's hand.

"Sounds good." He smiles as he intertwines your fingers with his and walk over to the bedroom to settle down and relax for once.

// HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR PUNK ROCK KITTEN! xD can't believe our kitten is 20 ;( ANYWAYS.. it's a Cake update, again.. sorry good news is i got my laptop well i've been having it for like a week already and yet i haven't written anything since then oops? :)) BUT i will update more often like maybe once a day depending on my writing mood no promises i will see you until the next update (: //

~Alexis c:

Oh and sorry that Luke's is like super short compared to Cal's just got a little carried away.

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