part 17

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Mike went to his locker as he was putting his books inside and then got out his bag from it. I waited a while before he finally returned. "shall we go". "s-sure". Damn why do i always have to stutter T-T. As we left the school i felt someone staring at me so i turned around but i saw nothing so i just shrugged it off. We were close to the cafe until Mike suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" i asked. He flinched. "M-mike". "Oh sorry my head is just hurting a bit". "Oh okey um you can go home if you want too". " Oh no don't worry it doesn't hurt that much". "Okey".


As we were walking i was getting a bad feeling as we walked closer and closer to the place. I stopped as my head started hurting. I saw a image in my head but it wasn't clear.. "what's wrong". I tried to remember the picture but it only hurt my head even more. "M-mike". I didn't notice Will speaking to me so i just played it off saying my head hurt.

-No one

They soon arrived at the cafe and took a seat at the closest table. "Hi what would you like to order". "I would like to order a kinder bueno white milkshake please" Will said with a bright smile on his face. "What would u like Mike" Will asked. "Uh can i just have a vanilla milkshake" he said. "Plain" "What?" "Why order something so plain like where is the flavour" Mike giggled at the face the younger was making as he felt himself blush a little bit.


'Why am i blushing'. "Mike are u okey ur face is really red are you felling sick?". Will asked me while putting his hand on my forehead and his other hand on his. "Well you are not really hot but if ur feeling sick you can go home". "NO". I saw Will flinch as people started staring at us. "I'm sorry what i meant to say was that i am feeling okey". 'why am i always so embarrassing'. i asked myself while blushing even more.

I was trying to hide my face until the waiter came and placed our drinks on the table. I sucked on my straw as quietly as possible still feeling embarrassed. Neither of us dared to speak so we just stayed in this awkward silence. 5 minutes had passed and my head started hurting again. I saw the exact image i saw earlier but this time it was a less blurry but it was clear enough for me too know what it was. I saw me and Will kissing.. WAIT WHAT that's impossible. The image started fading but i didn't want it too so i tried remembering but my head only hurt more until i only saw black.

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"Where am i". "MIKE" I flinched as i looked to the side seeing Will with tears in his eyes. "Why are u crying". "I'm not crying" he said while wiping his eyes trying to defend himself. "Please tell me why u were crying". "You shouldn't be worrying about me u should start worrying about yourself as you literally fainted". "I fainted? When?". "U don't remember?". "No". "Oh"


i explained what happened to him until the doctor walked in the room. "Hey doctor is anything wrong with him?". "No in fact something good has happened which we didn't expect to happen but for the time being he should rest so after a bit please leave so that he can sleep". "Okey but can you tell me what it is?". "Sorry but for now we still aren't 100% sure so u will have to wait for a bit". I nodded as the doctor started leaving the hospital room.

I was about to leave until i felt someone tug on my sleeve. "Please don't go stay with me until i fall asleep". I felt myself blushing as i heard his voice. "Okey". I turned around looking everywhere but his eyes as i sat down at the seat next to his bed. I picked up a comic and started reading it to myself. I looked up to see Mike with closed eyes while snoring a bit. He looks so cute while sleeping. I put my comic into my bag as i was about to leave. "I love you Will" I turned around again seeing him asleep. 'Did he remember?' 'Maybe he did'. I started smiling to myself.

"You are my best friend" My smile dropped as i felt a stinging pain in my chest. 'Of course he didn't remember'. I left the hospital room with tears in my eyes threatening to fall. 'Mike please remember me'. At this point the tears were falling as i was rubbing my eyes trying to stop them. I got weird stares but at this point i really didn't care anymore. I left the hospital and called my mom asking her to pick me up. Soon she came and we went home.

 Soon she came and we went home

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