Part 9

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The last lesson of the day finished. I quickly left the school building and fished my phone out of his bag. I texted max and asked her where she is. She told me that she was on the bleachers with Jane so I decided to make my way to them. I kept on thinking on how I should say it. ' hey guys I am dating mike' no that sounds weird.

It continued like this the whole way to the bleachers. Without even noticing i was already at the bleachers and max was yelling my name. I quickly turned his head and walked towards them. "Hey guys", I told them in a shakily tone. Jane noticed straight away. "What's wrong".

"Oh don't worry nothing is wrong but I have to tell u guys something". "We are all ears what's the matter". "It's not something big but I um am dating mike"."WHAT!". "CALLED IT!" "You owe me 10 dollars Max". "Wait what?"

"A few days ago at the party we all separated. Me and Max where drinking a lot so we basically forgot about you. Sorry. But then i woke up the next day to see a message and it said that Mike was with a he was taking care of you. Of course it was fishy but then i remembered something he had told me a long time ago", Jane said.

"What did he tell you?". "I promised not to tell anyone so i can't but it is a big part in this bet but whatever. After that we decided to make a bet which as I can see I won" Jane said. Max pouted.

"Baby don't be like that. In fact I'll make it up to you later" Jane said while winking. "not infront of my salad" I said while fake gagging. They all laughed until my phone pinged. I took it out of my pocket and it was a text from mike.

He asked me to meet up with him so that we can go to a cafe. I quickly texted back and excused myself. I rushed to the cafe he asked me to meet up with him.

 I rushed to the cafe he asked me to meet up with him

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