Part 7

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" you got 9/12, impressive" Will said. "Wait what are you serious" I asked and he nodded. I was really confused because normally I would get around 2/12 right but now I got a higher score. Will was writing down more questions but from a different topic.

He said that he won't help me at all because he needs to see if I can do it without it being explained first. I finished the questions and it was really hard. I gave Will the paper and he had a disappointing look on his face. He took a red pen and started ticking and crossing. I peaked a bit and saw a lot of red crosses. " well you had 3 correct and the rest was wrong".

I expected this so my mood didn't change at all. "Okey I will explain it and you will have to correct them yourself". I couldn't really concentrate as I was staring at wills face and all I wanted to do was connect our lips and share a million kisses. His lips looked really soft. "I bet they are"he mumbled under his breath.
"Mike are u listening?" I flinched as I was lost in my own thoughts and quickly apologised. He explained again what I should do and I nodded. He explained all of the questions and then told me to correct them now.

I was on my bed and Will wanted to check on the work I was doing so Will stood up from the chair and started walking to my direction. There was a shoe on the floor that will didn't see and he tripped on it. He fell on mike and their faces were really close. If will moved a little bit closer their lips would be touching. We looked each other right in the eye until Will stood up and apologised. We both were blushing messes. He then sat next to me on the bed and peaked over my shoulder to see what I was doing. He rested his head on my shoulder and I flinched because of the sudden contact. My face looked like a tomato.

I then turned back and gave Will my paper. He then picked up a red pen and started ticking. I had everything right.
It was really easy after will explained it. Will asked me what I wanted to do next.

I was about to say something until I saw Will's right arm. My eyes widened as I saw some marks.Will saw what I was staring at and he quickly pulled down his sleeve. I grabbed his arm and pulled the sleeve up again.

"Will why. WHY!" "You saw nothing", he replied. "What do you mean I saw nothing. Why would you do something like this.""You are right b-but". "NO BUTS, forget about the study session. We are going to talk about this". "Please let's just continue studying". "No we are going to talk about these!" "Okey but what is there to talk about anyways"
"WHEN! HOW! WHY! WHERE!" I yelled
He flinched a bit but kept his head low.

"It was yesterday", He replied looking down. "But why Will you skin is not paper. It's something you should treasure", I said still staring at his arms. "I didn't want to do it but the voice in my head told me to do it", He said as a tears started forming in his eyes.

"Why did you listen to it!", I yelled. "I'm sorry okey it's not my fault that my life is a fucking mess. I didn't ask to be bullied. I didn't ask for my dad to leave. I didn't ask for anything but i still got the worst!", He replied standing up.

I quickly grabbed his arm. "Will i am sorry for yelling please don't go". "YA LET ME GO!". "Please Will just stay". "Only if you tell me the reason why you started to bully me". "Okey i'll explain everything but first please just sit down".

With that Will sat down with his head still lowered. "I actually didn't want to but I was kind of forced too if i didn't want to look suspicious". "Huh?", he said looking up. "I don't know how you still haven't noticed but I am in love with you".

"W-wait what?", he said as his facial expression changed. "Yes you heard me right. I, Mike Wheeler, am in love with the boy who's life i have ruined". "But that's not possibl-". His words were cut off as i smashed my lips against his.

What i didn't expect is for him to return the kiss. We stayed like that for a while until he finally pulled away. 'I guess i was right. His lips were soft', I thought to myself. "Why didn't you just tell me you stupid asshole", Will said hitting my shoulder.

"I was scared. Not only about what my friends were thinking, but also of rejection", I said looking down. Will put his hands on my chin and lifted my head. "One, we don't have to tell anyone. Two, why would I reject you?", Will said with a small smile.

"Wait does that mean you like me back-". This time i got cut off by a pair of lips. Sadly this one was shorter than the one from before as he pulled away. "Does this answer it?". I didn't know what to say so I let a small smile creep on my face.

"Will will you be my boyfriend?", I asked quietly. "Sure". With that we ended the study session with one last kiss before Will had to go.

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I was now at home laying on my bed. 'Mike is really my boyfriend huh', I thought to myself as a smile crept on my face. I still couldn't believe it.

It was around midnight and I had school tomorrow but i just couldn't sleep as the kiss from earlier kept on going through my mind. The fact that i have been for 3 years just because Mike had a crush on me still baffled me but what can i do about it.

With those last thoughts I let my tiredness take over and let my eyelids fall. Soon after i was pulled into a long dream only my ew alarm could wake me up from again.

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