Part 1

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-no one

It was the first day of sophomore year. Will was not excited at all as he knew he would be facing his bullies again but on the other hand he could see his two bestfriends Max and Jane, who were a couple.

"Wait for me Jonathan", Will screamed as he was putting his books in his bag. Jonathan waited patiently as Will was taking his sweet time. Will walked out of the house and sat right next to Jonathan. "So are you excited", Jonathan said while nudging Will. "yes, of course", he said not wanting to worry his brother.

Will steps out of the car and takes a deep breath. He starts walking towards the doors of the school and hoped to not see his bullies. He didn't. "Yo Mr. Byers, wassup dude" said a familiar voice. Will turned around and was met with a sight of Max and Jane.

Will ran towards them and literally jumped on 'em. They both hugged him back. "I missed you guys so much!!", Will screamed hugging them tighter. "But we literally met 3 days ag-". "Doesn't mean I can't miss you guys", Will interrupted Jane.

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Will had science for first period. He didn't mind it honestly as long as he got to sit in the back. He quickly walked towards his class so he wouldn't be late. He walked in only to find out that he shared the class with Mike, One of his bully's. His teacher entered the class right after him. He motioned all of them to stand up so he could tell them where to sit.

Will didn't really think much of it until his name was mentioned. "Will you sit in the back next to the window", Will never felt happier. As he walked to his seat he froze once he heard his teacher speak again. "Mike sit right next to him". You could see Will's facial expression change quicker than the speed of light.

He quickly sat down on his seat. "Life isn't on my side is it", Will mumbled to himself as he watched Mike take a seat right next to him. He laid down his head on his desk thinking about how his life would be a living hell for the rest of this semester.

He honestly expected to get paper planes and random insults thrown at him in the middle of the lesson but none of that happened. Mike sat down in the lesson quietly and did nothing to him. He was paying attention to the lesson which baffled him but he felt relieved.

Through the lesson he was able to take some notes he could re use for when he would have quizzes. Not like he would need it though. He always got A's on every one of quizzes and sometimes a A+ if the teacher felt nice.

Will was also known as the smartest student in the school. he was even smarter than most seniors. Yes even the seniors. But he was also known as the gay boy which resulted to him not having any friends. Well that was until Max and Jane came along. They were the only people who wanted to be his friends.

Will didn't know how those rumours spread as he himself never spoke about it except to his parents and brother to which his father did not support him. His father had left him and his mother but caused a lot of damage to not only my mother's life but also my older brothers. They were both grateful he left as now they could love as they wanted.

Jonathan did not have to do boy things. He continued working on the school's newspapers. He loved collecting information and photos and being able to create a masterpiece out of it.

He was given a Camera on Christmas but it got broken. He didn't tell anyone why but he also told them not to worry. He had done multiple jobs and kept on collecting money for a year. He had a well developed and better camera now than before but he did tell Will he felt more comfortable with his old camera.

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