Part 5

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I opened my eyes as light shone through the corners of the windows that weren't covered by the curtains. My eyes were blinded by that light as they adjusted to the atmosphere. I was in a room but it wasn't my room.

I tried to sit up but failed miserably. Something was on my stomach. It was a hand and not only that it was Mike's. 'Wait what MIKE' I thought. His arm was wrapped around me while he was sleeping peacefully as i tried to remember everything i did yesterday.

'Okey so i went to the party with Jane and Max. Then i was basically beaten by Lucas and Dustin. Then i went to the bathroom. Then Mike helped me and that's all i can remember..'

I tried to remove his hand but which caused him to cuddle even closer to me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip only for the wake up. "Will", he said in a tired and groggy voice. I asked him about yesterday to which he explained that he carried me to his house.

I felt my face get hot as i covered it with my hands. I was still really tired and I had a little headache but that was most likely because of how bright it was.

His legs were still wrapped around me which he must've have noticed as he removed them quickly. His face turning red.

I got up and looked at my outfit. "is this what I was wearing yesterday", I asked a bit embarrassed. "No I changed you into a set of my pyjamas because the jeans looked really uncomfortable", He replied looking away as his face and ears turned really red.

I looked away as well thinking about the fact Mike out of all people had changed me into a pair of HIS clothes.


"Uh c-can i take a shower". He asked still looking down. "Sure let me get you a towel and a new pair of clothes". I handed him one of my towels, A pair of clean clothes and boxers i have never used. He took and quickly rushed to the bathroom.

I went downstairs as i heard the water turn on. 'I could make some breakfast'. My parents weren't home right as the both of them were working which meant i had to make breakfast myself.

i decided on some pancakes even though i had absolutely no idea how so searched it up i opened an cooking article, looking at the ingredients that were..

135g/4¾oz plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp caster sugar
130ml/4½fl oz milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 tbsp melted butter (allowed to cool slightly) or olive oil, plus extra for cooking.

I prepared all of the ingredients and looked at the steps. I added all the ingredients together and started mixing them. I also sprayed some oil on the pan so that the batter won't stick.

He put some batter on the pan waiting for a bit before flipping it with a spatula that i found on the table. I placed out the plates putting equal amount of pancakes on each.

I continued placing them on the plates until i heard some creaks from the stairs. I turned around to be met with a sight of Will wearing my clothes with a towel around his neck. His wet hair was covering his face making his whole look even cuter.

"Ke". "Ike!" "MIKE!". "Yes", I answered finally breaking out of my thoughts. "You were staring so i got a bit worried. Are you okey?". "Yes yes um sorry for staring", I replied. "I made some pancakes i hope you like them". Will sat down on the table as i passed him the plate.

He cut himself a piece and I was patiently waiting for him to eat it so i could see his reaction. He put it in his mouth and his eyes sparkled. "Yoo this is amazing. I didn't know you could cook". "Yh i cant cook i searched it up", I replied causing the both of us to giggle.

"Oh and i wanted to ask about the tutor lessons", I asked. "Is it okey if we do it every Sunday?", He replied. "Of course and let's do it at my house since my parents are never home on sundays". "Okey than but it might take longer since i have take a bike to go to your house". "Oh don't worry i'll just pick u up everyday at 10 am". "Okey then", He replied with a soft smile that could make anyone melt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Wl

It was currently around 3 pm. I never knew Mike was actually this interesting. We shared a lot of favourite things such as music taste and clothing taste. He also told me that my mother wanted me home before 5 pm so I decided to leave now.

I put on my shoes and took all of my belongings including my bloody shirt and my trousers. I offered to wash the clothes i wore so i didn't change and took the hoodie from him aswell. I said i would return it tomorrow.

I had finally finished putting on my shoes and all the clothes were in a plastic bag. I followed him to his car and sat i the he front seat as he opened the door. "What is your address?", Mike asked. "Oh it's xxx", I replied.

He placed the address in his phone and put it on the little stand. He started driving following the direction the app was telling him to go. His house about 5 minutes away from mine so i don't stay much.

I thanked him for the ride and then entered the house. "How was your sleepover dear", My mother asked coming out of the living room. "It was good actually i really enjoyed", I replied feeling my face heat up a bit.

I hoped my mom didn't notice my face because she would question it immediately and i did not have the power to answer all of her questions. My mother did support me when i told her about my sexuality. I felt a lot of relief that day knowing someone was on my side.

I excused myself and went to the watching machine and placed all the clothes inside. I quickly went upstairs to change into my pyjamas and took the clothes to the washing machine aswell. I turned it on as I put some of the washing powder and liquid in the machine. It made some beeping noises as i started it and saw it fill with water.

I walked away and went to my room pulling out my phone. I got a notification from insta.

mikewhlr has followed you
ignore follow back

I pressed follow back and received a message from him.


Hey Will!!



how are you ???

greet hbu??? :p

And like that we had a long conversation until 3 am when he said he had to go.

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